The best looking FPS this gen

Yeah the game can be really scary, i remember playing it before i even knew what it was (right when the demo went up) and i didn't get too far into it before going 'nope'. I followed the reveal of what it was live though and it has to be one of the best things I've experienced in gaming, and i'm not the biggest SH fan either! Too bad it got cancelled :nope:
Also remember playing P.T. just as the demo came available, without really knowing anything about it. Saw the demo at PSN after E3, thought "what's this, some indie game... the screenshot looks nice, bet the game is some boring horror game that's not really scary at all... might as well download and try it.."
Was really pleasantly surprised as I sarted to play it, had to stop when it got too scary. Thought "What was that! That was surprisingly good, why hasn't there been any news about this... am I the only one who thinks there might come something very good out of this"
Too bad it never got the chance to grow a full game :(