The Agency - PS3 MMO.

  • Thread starter Deleted member 7537
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Yeah, I watched that 2 days ago and it completely changed my perception of the game, and to think theyre only in pre-alpha! (ok, the final product might not be "omgaz teh crysus!1!" but they'll still be visual improvements :smile: )

Reminds me of No One Lives Forever and Team Fortress 2. *puts game under radar*
Reminds me of No One Lives Forever and Team Fortress 2. *puts game under radar*

Exactly what I thought!
I'm not into MMOs, but a third/first person MMO with twitchy(sp?) controls is something I would definately consider getting into.
I've read somewhere that a headshot in the game IS a head shot. And I'm beggining to like it more and more!
Is it me, or is The Agency sharing a LOT of code with Home? I mean ... it's gotta be. They probably share some designers, even.
Is it me, or is The Agency sharing a LOT of code with Home? I mean ... it's gotta be. They probably share some designers, even.

I didn't know you can "see" code by looking at a video of a game being played?

That's a pretty amzing talent u got there Arwin..

(Maybe you should be on that TV series Heroes..)
Still shares an uncanny resemblance though, even down to arcade machines you can just jump into and play a virtual game.
I didn't know you can "see" code by looking at a video of a game being played?

Neo? Is that you? ;)

Na, but seriously. I think I see what Arwin's saying. It does look like both Home and the Agency could have been created with the same assets. Whether there's any truth to that remains to be seen.
This game looks pretty fun. Sounds like missions are only 4 player teams, but still, I'm big into co-op and it looks like a pretty good experience for pre-alpha. This is definitely a style of game I would want to play.
This game looks pretty fun. Sounds like missions are only 4 player teams.
Missions are all doable in single player. They mentioned that two or three times! If you want to posse up, you'll be able to complete the missions with a better score and access better rewards, but coop isn't essential to game completion (that being completion of the core story-arc defined quests).
Missions are all doable in single player. They mentioned that two or three times! If you want to posse up, you'll be able to complete the missions with a better score and access better rewards, but coop isn't essential to game completion (that being completion of the core story-arc defined quests).

No, I meant only 4 players as in not more than 4 players, where most people wouldn't probably want larger teams from an MMO. I may have misunderstood, but it sounds like they were focussing on small teams for the actual missions. I got the whole single player getting bronze or silvers thing.
4 player maximum size? My fuzzy memory seems to agree with you that that's what they said. Might be a good choice for missions, though they need to allow bigger posses for Agency vs. Agency smackfests.
Here's a link to an article I wrote after attending SOE FanFaire in Las Vegas and speaking with the producer and director.

Also, to clarify, players on XBOX will not be able to play with people on PC.

mmo-gamer . com /?p=228

not spamming, its an older article just thought you guys might like to read in case it has some info for ya. this isn't a bot, lol, but this forum refuses to let me post a link!

You are confusing me. There is no link in your post and the XBOX has nothing to do with it
You are confusing me. There is no link in your post and the XBOX has nothing to do with it

For a forum with computer tech guys, sometimes people can be really thick. :D (Just messin' with ya Nesh)

It's his first post, so he has some restrictions going on. I removed the spaces from his link and checked it out, and it's legit, so don't worry:
I guess he meant players on PS3 cannot play with players on PCs. SoE releasing a game on 360 would be really interesting though! :)
This is related to The Agency, but the scope is actually larger:

Anyone who's tried World of Warcraft's crappy built-in voice knows that voice chat isn't something you can implement in a half-assed fashion. Sony Online Entertainment knows this, and they've teamed with communications company Vivox to integrate a suite of voice tools into SOE games that's worth at least three or four whole asses. Along with standard voice chat, the Vivox package includes amazing new features, such as in-game voicemail, built-in, high quality voice masking, multiple voice channels for guild chat, raid chat, etc., all running on Vivox servers so your bandwidth doesn't take a hit. You'll even be able to dial in using your cell phone and a special pin number to get in touch with your guildies while away from the PC! The best part? all of this is completely free - not only for people playing SOE games like EQ2 or the upcoming The Agency, but for anyone who uses the Station launcher, regardless of whether they subscribe to a Sony game or not.
I've said it elsewhere but I'll repeat myself here. What's really needed for voice-chat is proximity based scaling. A room with 50 people chatting would be gibberish, but if you can only hear the few people you're close to, it'll work like real life and provide an intuitive way to manage conversations. It'll eliminate jerky trash-talking as you can just walk away from a chump, and you can provide direct dial solutions for, say, 4 player team direct coms with added game-wide communication by proximity.

Throw it into a 5.1 audio system, and you'll be able to sneak up behind people and shout Boo before you whack them with a spanner! ;)
LOL yea guys, I couldn't post the link it wouldnt let me for spam purposes im sure.

hehe, and yea I meant ps3 :)

i'll hopefully be doing a follow-up with Hal before the summer, and i'll make sure I let this forum know.
