The Agency - PS3 MMO.

  • Thread starter Deleted member 7537
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It's PC/PS3, developed on UE3. Funny it's developed by ex-Microsoft developers who did Mythica.
Looks interesting, conceptually, but will probably be hard to put together and be faithful and compelling to the genre while being in MMORPG form.

One to keep an eye on, tho. ^_^
An MMO where everyone's a spy? doesn't that kinda blow out the whole secret identity thing? "There's a characterwith a name over their head - must be a spy!"
An MMO where everyone's a spy? doesn't that kinda blow out the whole secret identity thing? "There's a characterwith a name over their head - must be a spy!"
Spies, usually, don't wear a latex/leather suit and don't carry a G36 like the chick in the picture, either :p
If the game is a mission and team based, third/first person shooter mmo, where you have to infiltrate an installation surveilled by npc, sabotage it and/or recover something (think of some sort of Mercenaries Online, or DDO with modern settings), while avoiding being detected or kill innocent bystanders, it could be an intresting game. Somewhat fresh at least.
I personally think consoles should have more mmo's to choose from, and glad to see titles like this being made :smile:
It's PC/PS3, developed on UE3. Funny it's developed by ex-Microsoft developers who did Mythica.

Are these the ex-Fireant people who became SOE Seattle?
I lost all belief in SOE making MMO's after what they managed to do with Star Wars Galaxies.

The guy in charge of that project doesn't even work there anymore... Much of the silly design was his mastermind (which is completely odd, because the guy wrote some books on game design that weren't bad at all from what I recall).

And apparently EQ2 is quite a good MMO now days (from what I've heard from a lot of people lately)... of course it took a bit to get there, but SOE is still capable of doing good things. Whether or not they do it is another story though.
They are making that too.. They are making two MMO's: other is yet to be revealed.
Well my comment was purely dripping with sarcasm, and if SOE is actively working on ANOTHER fantasy-themed MMO while running EQ and EQ2 concurrently and pulling Vanguard all the way into the fold... (The only saving grace is if they got a "no-fail" francise, but I don't see that being the case. We'd have heard news already.)

I lost all belief in SOE making MMO's after what they managed to do with Star Wars Galaxies.
To be fair, I think the impetus for those huge changes was coming more from the Lucas side than internally. Koster and company had plenty of problems to overcome through their design, but I certainly think they'd want to stick with it and continue tweaking, balancing, and trying to pull in more interesting ideas than make a move that would disenfranchise their base with no assurance of pulling in a new audience.

It might have come from the bean counters above him, too. Sort of a "we at Lucas are annoyed that your game is losing so hands-down with our wildly popular universe, so it must be because you designed it like crap. Change it all, and we'll toss some money into advertising from our phat movie checks to bring in all the little newbies who love Jar-Jar."

(Ok, so maybe the conversation didn't go PRECISELY like that... :p )
I would never pay $15 a month for an MMO.

But UE, isn't that a step up from the current MMOs?

Anyways, the discussion we had about an online portion of Assasin's Creed could apply here, with targets not knowing who is assigned to take them out.
I lost all belief in SOE making MMO's after what they managed to do with Star Wars Galaxies.

This is typical for todays view on things, no matter how many things you do right it´s your own fault that follows you for the rest of your life.

Did you become a Jedi before you quit SWG? or how far did you actually get?
I would never pay $15 a month for an MMO.

But UE, isn't that a step up from the current MMOs?

Anyways, the discussion we had about an online portion of Assasin's Creed could apply here, with targets not knowing who is assigned to take them out.

It may be the first UE3 game, assuming Huxley doesn't come out before then.
I'm almost wishing this was straight up single player action game. It sounds like it has a fun concept and has cool art direction. But as a MMO It just sounds impossibly ambitions and difficult to pull off.
There wasn't any news on this during E3, was there? There are so many things hidden still ... gaming is going to be awesome in the coming years, just really coming onto a next level.
Cant' say I'm very excited. I mean, these are pushed out by Sony without much care these days, just venture to that's a really sad site of MMO gaming.