: here's why people consider Ratchet and Clank as one the best looking game on the market.
Dice games on PC at max settings are the only games that can compete graphically with Sony exclusives in my opinion.
Not to mention the far lower model rendering in Battlefront :
Also, in more traditional games such as Mirror Edge, Dice work is less convincing.
We already talked about Wildlands : amazing draw distance, very detailed, but it fails on the most important thing = asset quality. Overall, the game looks good but far from exceptionnal (even on PC at max settings).
As long as developers will not specifically aim high end PC, they will fail to match the most impressive Sony exclusives.
All 3P games are held back by the lowest common denominator that are the Xbox One and weak PC. Some higher quality shadows and better AF on PC won't change this fundamental fact.
Reminds my of this despite the fact that this area is much much bigger bigger, one can fly in it and it has very high quality assets, they can generate full interiors and ist even not finished.
Assets are not that bad but lets say Ratched and Clank with its angular assets is the game with the best graphics instead
Game from 2015 with 40 players, alot of desctruction and physics on Endor and UHD/60fps.
I dont care about Mirrors Edge even Battlefield 1 and BATTLEFRONT II have some major issues (negative texture LOD) compared to BATTLEFRONT 2015. Battlefield 1 also has an annoying sharpening filter.
PlayStation games are also hold back by a tablet level CPU and 5GB RAM. The PC version of Wildlands has little in common with the Xbox One version. This looks like a generation gap.
BATTLEFRONT has ok characters since there are a lot of them on the screen and one hardly sees them from the near in the fight anyway. Just look after Uncharted 4s multiplayer models for a comparison.
Not only characters, buildings both exterior and interior, vehicles, general items are all of low quality. The price to pay for a big open world one must say.
Now the typical GoW asset quality for measure.
I am not that often in interiors in Wildands but I can look for a real gameplay picture instead. Of course these will not look greatly filled but they have an unimportant role anyway.
Some of those GoW textures look low res and it reminds me of AC: Origins. The Division is much better.
Star Citizen is the biggest game and it has by far the assets with the highest quality.
Huge game and low asset quality does not necessarily correlate. I doubt that objects can be found in that size that look better.
The most impressive things I have seen if it is really realtime cutscene is The Last of us 2 PGW trailer... But if it is realtime I hope the same gap in gameplay will be find between UC4 cutscene and TLOU2 PGW trailer... From what told an animator working for Naughty Dog the gap between Uncharted 4 and TLOU 2 is huge...
Technically it looks better than Uncharted 4. Let's see when it comes. Some think that it is close to Death Stranding but I think TLoU will appear much earlier.
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