Ilfirin said:
He's both extremely intelligent and skilled.
I'm not implying that he isn't!
Does he have skills that are in demand, is the question.
The problem isn't that he has unmarketable skills, it's that there aren't exactly a lot of companies dealing directly with semiconductors and such in Rhode Island. He also has a widowed mother to support there and was just married earlier in October. So he's mostly stuck there, at least for a little while.
In other words...he doesn't have marketable Rhode Island. Truth be told he's not stuck anywhere. No one is forcing him to stay in R.I.
Don't get me wrong...picking up and moving (especially if it's away from somewhere you've been most of your life, have relationships, etc.) is far from easy. But he does have a choice. If he really does have marketable skills outside of where he's living, he could presumably "live the lifestyle" he's more accustomed to, without working two jobs. Apparently, staying where he is is worth more to him than only working one job. That's his choice to make.
Want is very different than willing.
Agreed. "Want" is what capitalalism is based on. No one
wants to actually "buy" stuff either. We'd prefer it all just be free. But we are
willing to pay.
No one wants to be a McDonalds cook or garbage man when they grow up, but it's funny what people will do when their only other option is a nice new cardboard house on 17th street.
Yup. On the other hand, I'm willing to be that without the construction job, he wouldn't be living in a card-board box. Likely, he' have to reduce his standard of living, get a smaller house in a less desirable location, etc.
But it seems he prefres to keep his current house and maintain the standard of living he is accustomed too. He prefers to work two jobs.
In any case, he is to be
commended for
working to maintain his lifestyle.

That is highly respectable.
Anyway, it was a bit presumptious of me to say no one wanted the job. I'm sure lots of people enjoy construction, it's just not usually something you see engineers and scientists going into by choice.
Seriously, I just think there's a lot more "choice" involved in his working a second manual labor job than you're willing to admit. They are hard choices to be sure, but they are choices.
It's just part of a disturbing, growing trend.. there are more and more extremely intelligent people that have to resort to manual labor and generally unskilled jobs just to support their family.
I disagree. I think there's a lot of intelligent and skilled people who have a false sense of worth.

That there's a lot of these people that believe they "deserve" a ceratin standard of living based mostly on
1) The standard of living the previous generation had with similar jobs
2) The standard of living they had 5-10 years ago with the same job.
There's no law that says the same job in a different time frame should command the same salary. This is why self skill re-assesment and re-training are so important in life.
They simply Another disturbing trend is the amount of people that have to take drugs (like Zoloft, and such. Not street drugs) everyday before work because the stress is so high that they risk having a stroke if they don't.
Again, I think a lot of this comes down to choice. I personally think that anyone that is that stressed out over their in the wrong job.