That speaks volumes about your inability to think outside the box.
Sabastian, may I suggest copious amounts of Thorazine to help you control that very acute form of paranoia you have. And considering I had to get you to accept the possibility that it could have been a joke instead of your absolute faith that it was the work of UNB leftists, I must congratulate myself on a job well done to get a simple idea through that thick ideology of yours.
The same people who beat to death that 'fag' are just the tip of the iceberg. Whether we like it or not, we all have racist tendancies, some of us realize it exists and deal with it and not allow the darker parts of our human nature to overwhelm reason.
As an example, I offer my experiences of 'jokes' going around about how some of the professors in the engineering department are Al Qaeda operatives, who send their relatives to Canada for 'safe keeping', and that somehow we can gain foreknowledge of attacks on Fredericton if the dollar stores start closing. They mock and ridicule how some of them have trouble with English as a second language (for which I retort that their Arabic leaves a lot to be desired) with really rank comments about camels and dung (still a fuel source in the region). I frown down on this talk and don't laugh, which isn't that hard to do given the rather slack-jawed nature of such humour. If it's a joke, it's in poor taste and I can live with that. But forever, my perceptions about that person will always be tainted as I remember those comments.
Maybe it's because I'm older than the other students, but I never made comments like that when I was their age. No way. I was more into Kurt Cobain jokes.

I wonder if my humour, which does border on South Park/Trailer Park Boys crassness, makes people comfortable when they start saying this sh*t.
Now, if aboriginals are such 'first-class citizenry', why not put it to the test and live there for a year. Canada may have been rated first in the world for standard of living, but those same years, if you considered Canadian native reservations, you'd have been 63rd in the world. Yeah, first-class all right. We can go into the incompetence of Native Affairs some other time.
That is not indicative of Fredericton that is indicative of the vast majority of Canadians.
That's what we like to THINK of ourselves. Again, IMHO, this is the biggest Canadian problem. We're forever comparing ourselves to someone else. Granted, all things are relative, but it's come to a point in this country that we're obsessed so much with measuring ourselves against others, we fail to implement policy for Canadians. We do it just because others have done it. Whether you like it or not, you do the same with your comments about how we have to measure our economy to the USA, which has a wholely different form of economy and environment and somehow emulate it, instead of doing things for Canadians.
In the 1960s, naysayers in this country and the USA publicly mocked the concept of fixed currencies, that Canada wouldn't survive a floating currency regime. We should emulate the USA. They were proven wrong, and it worked for us. Nowadays, floating currencies are
du rigeur. The problem is that too many of us are comparing ourselves to others and failing to carefully implement policies that reflect our situation.
BTW, a PID is a person who attends St. Thomas (STU). The use of PID comes from stupid, so you have STU-PID. You said you lived in Fredericton for fifteen years and you didn't even know
that? To be fair, I finally broke down and asked someone 'what the f*ck does it mean?'