Surgery in the am tommorow


Going in for some surgery on my back and leg . My l5 disc is still pushing on the ciatic (sp?) nerve in my right leg and is still causing alot of pain. So they are operating tommorow and hopefully will relive the pain .

Its a 4 hour surgery and i will be out most of the week . So enjoy yourselves
G'luck mate, I'll keep ya in my thoughts. Take Epic's advice for once and just work 'em for as many painkillers as possible, it's like a fun game to keep you from getting bored in the hospital. ;)
thanks guys , but i don't take painkillers

as for the nurses i hope they are hot . My friend is an intern there and will be asisting on the surgery so i'm scared as shit that she is going to take a knife to me . Look like her years of threats are coming to a head haha
Joe DeFuria said:
What hospital JVD? Maybe I'll send flowers. :)

Seriously, here's to a quick recovery!
hackensack medical . I'm only there that day. I will be released later that night , surgery is at 7 am and they told me i could most likely leave at 10 so send video games to the house instead :p
Good luck for your operation, dude.
Lumbar spine stenosis can be really painful.
Jesus, take the painkillers! At least for a couple days. I had a lower back discectomy (and cleaned calcium deposits off the next one down) about five years ago. Rather than go into too many details to get you worried pre-surgery, I'll just give you the happy ending --Haven't had a shooting pain down my left leg since. A sneeze could literally collapse me before I had the surgery, and maybe a two block walk and I'd look like Quasimodo.

That crushed ice the nurse fed me on a spoon coming out of the anestheia was the most marvellous drink I've ever had.

Okay, so one coming attraction. . .the nurse is gonna yell BREATHE! at you a lot coming ouf of anesthesia. They have a blood-ox thingie on your finger, and they practically want you to huff-and-puff full bore to keep it high. Has to do with the side effects of anesthesia and helping clear it out of your system.

Best o' luck; I'll send positive mental energy your way. :D
Yeah you should take some pain killers, they help with inflammation and keeping the body from reactly badly. You'll heal faster if you take a reasonable amount.
Doh... wish JVD could read this.

Studies have shown that post operative patients who do not try to "endure the pain without meds [or very little]" heal SLOWER than those who take medication immediately after a major surgery.

My experience in the hospital with patients is that this is true. The pain after a major surgery can be intense--especially anything dealing with nerves.

Relax, take the pain meds for the first week, then lower the dose as you can tolerate. I always was able to get off pain medication quickly. I think in some ways it makes mild pain quite endurable (e.g. I dislocated my rt. shoulder 2 summers ago, the same one I had an anterior reconstruction on, and after I had the ER Dr. get it back in I did not even need any pain killers the next day just because it felt no different than it did 2 weeks after the surgery a couple years before).

As long as you can get over the really intense pain part, the dull non-throbbing pain is pretty bearable. It is the sharp pounding junk that hurts!
thanks for all the well wishes .

As for painkillers , i don't take them . However i take any anti inflamitorys i'm told to take . I'm just not really into painkillers . When i broke my leg really bad when i was 14 i was put on painkillers and i ended up hurting it again cause i couldn't feel what my body was telling me . So since then i'm very weary of it .

Anyway I can sleep haha , i have to go in soon and i've barely slept at all
Take care mate. Nothing funny about sciatic pain! I occationally get sciatic pain as well, but my mother gets affected by sciatic pain the most, nasty stuff indeed. The sciatic nerve is the largest (fatest) nerve of the body because it is actually made up of 2 nerves (which I now forget the individual names of), hence because its larger it is more likely to have problems there.

Quick question, before this, did you ever see a chiropractor about the pain?

Anyway all the best in your recovery champ! Good to see I'm not the only one who refuses to take pain killers (or medical drugs for that matter). Catcha later.

Hey guys , i just woke up . I'm told surgery went very well. I don't feel any pain but i'm a bit groggy . Surgery took only 4 hours instead of the 5 they thought it would take . I should be going home in a few hours and right now i'm just chilling reading comics and surfing the web .

Thanks for all the well wishing.

Oh, I am sooo jealous! When I was layed up from my heart attack I was jonesing for any form of connection. :?

Glad to hear it went well, take it easy and do whatever your doctors tell ya!
What no comments on the nurses? :LOL:

Must have been nothing that fantastic then.
Oh well, darn the luck eh.

Glad to know the surgery went okay though.
l-b and natoma would like the nurses , they are male haha .

Anyway yea we have net acess , i'm in the newer wing built 3 years ago . In the new wing that is still being built , they will have wireless g with speed booster