DemoCoder said:
Sex doesn't have a purpose, because nature doesn't have a purpose, nor does evolution. It just is. Our genes are programmed to give us to the drive to propagate, but often something which produces one effect, produces many effects. A side effect of our sex drive is that we do more than just have sex when we need to spread our genes. We have sex all the time. We think about sex alot. We masturbate. We consume sexual images. We engage in "deviant" practices. We indulge in mind altering substances, and in general, we do many things to satisfy our urges. Sex can even become an addiction.
And frankly, with six billion people on the planet, and modern biotechnology, I don't think we need to worry about massive depopulation caused by homosexuality anytime soon. A far greater menace is rich heterosexuals in western nations delaying child birth into their mid 30s, and then only having 1-2 children.
Heh-Heh...To say that heterosexual sex "has no purpose" is really overlooking the obvious. Does the act of placing food in one's mouth, masticating it and swallowing it have an obvious biological purpose apart from savoring the taste of the food? Of course. So many things do have quite obvious purposes from a biological perspective. Nothing you've said dilutes or invalidates the fact that the chief purpose of sex from a biological perspective is reproduction of the species. Other types of sex, including the practices you've mentioned, are all peripheral to that. While they may not be directly related to that purpose in practice, the fact that they all stem from the same biological imperative to have reproductive sex cannot be denied (otherwise none of these peripheral sexual practices you've mentioned would be practiced in the first place.) I don't see how increases in world population in the last 50 years or so, supported by advances in medical science and increased food and energy production in some parts of the world, have anything to do with our physical, biological makeup as two distinct sexes with complementary reproductive roles. It's in the genes and so pays no heed to changing cultural mores or conditions. Also, when I use the word "deviant" I am using it in the sense of "that which is practiced by an extreme minority of a given population" and not in a moralistic sense. To that end, for instance, masturbation would definitely not be a deviant practice, while homosexuality and other types of behavior would be deviant. (In this sense people who devote their lives to the poor and sick with no thought of their own material gain would also be considered "deviant" as they are a distinct minority within the larger population.)
I once read an interesting theory that homosexuality was a first-hand observation of natural selection at work within the human population. This might sound strange at first, but the fact is that if a person chooses not to reproduce, his genes will die with him. This is not to say, of course, that homosexuality is the only venue of gene eradication within the human population, because it certainly isn't. But barring the extremely rare and statistically irrelevant event of a homosexual reproducing artificially without engaging in heterosexuality (IV fertilization, etc., which still involves the use of both sexes), the only way for a homosexual to reproduce his genes is by engaging in hetereosexual behavior. Thus, again, a purpose in hetereosexuality beyond that of pleasure is made clear.
I think you might be confusing the various practices that spring up around the basic heterosexual genetic drive with that biological drive itself. IMO, all sexual practices spring from this drive, including homosexuality. Because of various psychological components affecting deviant individuals within the larger population as a whole, there are variations on the acting out of that drive--such as homosexuality, for instance.
Often we hear of homosexual individuals engaged in "struggles" of various types against nebulous powers which are vicariously defined as "society" or "religion" or "laws" or "self righteousness", etc and what have you. Often such a person really doesn't know what it is, precisely, that he or she is struggling against, but rightly perceives it to be a struggle against "something" (which changes according to the individual.) IMO, what the homosexual is struggling with primarily is himself--fighting against his own biological imperative towards heterosexual behavior which is operating at a genetic level far below his consciousness--and which he sees reflected in the society at large around him in which he must live. Anyway, that's my own pet theory...
As far as the Supreme Court's ruling in this case goes, I think the state bursting into people's homes and arresting them for deviant sexual activity occurring between consenting adults is a power which I think truly deserves being taken away from the state. Neither a state or Federal government should have the authority to regulate sexual behavior between consenting adults in the privacy of their homes--with the emphasis on the words "consenting adults." I do see the state having a legitimate role in sexual cases where both parties are not adults and/or both parties do not consent, regardless of whether a practice is sexually deviant.
I also find the Texas argument that nullifying such laws will result in a harm to hetereosexual marriage in any way whatever to be completely specious. The fact that this behavior has been against the law in Texas for decades does not mean that deviant sexual behavior between consenting adults behind closed doors has never been practiced in Texas. Obviously, it has been, and equally obvious is the fact that hetereosexual marriage in Texas is as healthy an institution as it has always been. Regardless of how much homosexuality is decriminalized between consenting adults, it will remain a deviant practice because the genetic and biological behavior mandating hetereosexuality as the norm predates all existing laws and religions which reinforce it. In fact, all such laws and religious exhortations towards hetereosexuality are merely a reflection of that basic human drive. It's in the genes...

Decriminalizing homosexual behavior will have no effect on that whatever, and so these people are worrying needlessly. Biology will always win the argument, IMO...because the greatest number of people in any society at any given time will choose not to argue with it.