Suggestions for Worst Science Fiction film ever!

Plan 9 From Outer Space has to be near the top in any list of bad movies...

I have seen clips from "Plan 9 From Outer Space" and it is so bad, it is actually funny which I would suggest would disqualify it from earning the title "worst science fiction film ever made" and furthermore I would argue that "Independence Day" in terms of terrible films is a much greater achievement as regards how much money went in to making it and how rubbish it is, like anyfool can made a rubbish film on a shoestring but it would take a genius to make a film as bad as Independence Day with the quite large budget they spent on that.

Saludos Amigo
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Equilibrium.<End Thread>

Where else do all actors wait seconds with idiotic expression before uttering some complete nonsense, stretching a dumb 5-minute plot to 90 minutes (Well "Joe Black" maybe). Goofy "slomo-action" (aint that an oximoron?) included.
Alien Resurrection.

By far the WORST Sci Fi movie ever. Which is traumatic, because Alien is my personal favorite. Completely defiled the name of the series. Actually 3 was pretty bad as well..... Regardless, we can all agree 1 and 2 were phenomenal.
Alien Resurrection.

By far the WORST Sci Fi movie ever. Which is traumatic, because Alien is my personal favorite. Completely defiled the name of the series. Actually 3 was pretty bad as well..... Regardless, we can all agree 1 and 2 were phenomenal.

The first film "Alien" I enjoyed but I thought the second film "Aliens" was way better, which whilst I did not bother watching the two later films might put them in a advantaged position as the Worst Sci Film ever contenders, in that normally one expects sequels to be inferior to the orginal and as I regard "Aliens" the second film was better than the first "Alien" if the other films were really bad, they would have been made worse because people may have been expecting any sequels to better as a result of the Alien and Aliens situation.

Saludos Amigos
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The first film "Alien" I enjoyed but I thought the second film "Aliens" was way better, which whilst I did not bother watching the two later films might put them in a advantaged position as the Worst Sci Film ever contenders, in that normally one expects sequels to be be inferior to the orginal and as I regard "Aliens" the second film as better than the first "Alien" if the other films were really bad, they would have been made worse because people may have been expecting any sequels to better as a result of a Alien and Aliens situation.

Saludos Amigos

I have argued this point on countless occaisions and have deduced that "Aliens" does not classify as a Sci Fi movie, more as an action movie. Whilst it is an excellent movie, "Alien" retains more value as a Sci Fi/horror movie. It is difficult for me to personally say which movie is superior, for they're both great in their own ways, yet completely different.
I'd certainly agree that "Independence Day" is unmitigated rubbish and has one of the most ridiculous endings of any film (an alien technology with a 3.5" floppy drive? I don't think so...). It's definitely the worst sci-fi film I've seen at the cinema. Other contenders would be any of the "new" Star Wars films and the Matrix sequels.

As for other films then apparently Lawnmower Man 2: Beyond Cyberspace is supposed to be absolutely awful.
Plan 9 From Outer Space has to be near the top in any list of bad movies...
Yup, intentional or not, low budget or now, there really is no excuse. Four year olds that somehow figure out how to turn a video camera on and wind up filming a couple of hours of people's feet would likely produce a more enjoyable film to watch.
Don't think there is another, just first time I ever heard of it, was it one of those made for Television items?

Saludos Amigos
It was a regular bigscreen movie, albeit from what I heard relatively low budget (I seen it on TV some time ago). I already feared you were implying you agree with the recession on IMDB :LOL:

If you can ignore that the movie takes itself as VERY serious and deep, you might even enjoy the continuos inconsistencies, shallow plot and tacked on action. Just imagine you are supposed to believe most of the cast is supposed to be seduced into an emotionless state and you have regular outbreaks of anger, hate, envy and angry looks from them
I have argued this point on countless occaisions and have deduced that "Aliens" does not classify as a Sci Fi movie, more as an action movie. Whilst it is an excellent movie, "Alien" retains more value as a Sci Fi/horror movie. It is difficult for me to personally say which movie is superior, for they're both great in their own ways, yet completely different.

I would classify "Aliens" as a science fiction movie but I can see where you are coming from Jim Norton and would not have any problem that somebody else would regard it as an actioner, to me once a film is in the future and/or has got advanced space craft in it, I put in to the science fiction genre but obviously other people have differant ways of classing films and no problem with that. But just out of interest, why does Alien get rated by you as a Science Fiction film?

Saludos Amigos
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I'd certainly agree that "Independence Day" is unmitigated rubbish and has one of the most ridiculous endings of any film (an alien technology with a 3.5" floppy drive? I don't think so...). It's definitely the worst sci-fi film I've seen at the cinema. Other contenders would be any of the "new" Star Wars films and the Matrix sequels.

As for other films then apparently Lawnmower Man 2: Beyond Cyberspace is supposed to be absolutely awful.

Yep Diplo, the computer virus thing takes the biscuit, I was keeping quiet about that because I was holding it in reserve in case somebody came up with a really spectular competitor to Independence Day for Worst Science Fiction film ever and I could blast it with with the computer virus on the floppy and laptop thing, but it is no harm you brought it out in to the open as it might destroy the morale of anybody challenging Indepedende Day, like the idea that you could disable a space craft the size of a small city capable of Instellar travel with a computer virus, goodnight turn out the lights!

Saludos Amigos
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I would classify "Aliens" as a science fiction movie but I can see where you are coming from Jim Norton and would not have any problem that somebody else would regard it as an actioner, to me once a film is in the future and/or has got advanced space craft in it, I put in to the science fiction genre but obviously other people have differant ways of classing films and no problem with that. But just out of interest, why does Alien get rated by you as a Science Fiction film?

Saludos Amigos

Calling a movie science fiction based solely upon the fact that it contains "futuristic spacecraft and space travel" would be a pretty broad statement, therefore drawing a lot of totally unrelated movies into that category. I'm sure Disney's "Chicken Little" involved both the aforementioned. The fact that Alien was about traveling to another planet and the inherent risk of contamination of some unknown species to a crew on board a space vessel was a defining characteristic of Sci Fi.
I agree, Independence day is really really bad. It was the first thing that comes to my mind as well.

Apart for the utterly rediculous computer virus stuff, I also like how they are trying to shoot down a UFO the size of L.A., with a couple of puny air-to-air missiles. Come one, you don't even have to aim! How about throwing a few 2000-pound bombs on top of it? With a B-52 or so... :rolleyes:

However.... I can think of another truely bad movie. Ever seen the movie "Wing Commander"?

It has this cute scene where an earth destroyer is hiding on an asteroid, with enemy cruisers above looking for them. So they go on silent running... And thus everyone on board the ship isn't allowed to make any sound... They're all whispering, in fear that the Kilrathi might hear them... In SPACE ! :LOL: