*hypothetically* *this is not fact* *just some funky thoughts*
PS4: 2MB/s per core (14MB/s 7 cores) x 1.6GHz per core = 3,200MB/s per core (22,400MB/s total)
XB1: 2MB/s per core (12MB/s 6 cores) x 1.75GHz per core = 3,500MB/s per core (21,000MB/s total)
So obviously from my funky math, XB1 CPU is able to handle more data during cycles because of the higher clock rates; however the PS4 CPU is capable of processing more throughput data, if, the seven cores are available for developers.
Anyhow, scaling across the cores seems to be a better fit for these systems, IMHO… rather than risking unwanted effects of increasing CPU clock speeds in small enclosed box environments.