Evildeus said:SureV3 said:Is improving relations with Hitler a moral good?
If the Jews have a good relationship with Hitler, the bad things could have been avoided. The better your relationship are, the easier it should be to settle things diplomatically instead of through war.France had good relations with Germany, but well they were invaded anyway
What the hell are you talking about?
We are talking about a grudge that goes back for hundreds of years. To Napoleon the French Revolution, Bismarck, WWI. France had good relation with Germany my arse. Political relation in not the same as populace relation especially when some right wing nationalist wack takes control and becomes cancelor. Europe is not the States (a relatively new country with literaly 0 neighbors to worry about).
When Bismarck united the German states in 1870?? (I am bad with years) in the Franco Prussian War, Germany took over the Alsace and Lorraine region, rich in coal and other exportable items of the time.
The beef between Germany and France goes even further in time, due to the French Revolution and the fear of this in German monarchy.
But anyway, after Germany was defeated in world war I, France took this region back, as well as that because of this huge beef, imposed huge huge huge sanctions and payments to be made due for reconstructing France. Like 60 percent of all French Farmland was destroyed Millions of acres of Forests. The whole bloody war took place mostly in the French region. Germany was unaffected.
The reason why Germany lost was due to the fact, that firstly they had two bad harvests in a row, and because Germany imported 30% of its food, and was not able to trade anymore due to the fact that their fleet was crippled by Britain, was not able to import anything at all. This leads to the second reason which is bad morale, on the homefront and therefore bad morale on the war front. Regardless after the war huge payments were supposed to be payed by Germany to France every year. Germany managed to sustain these payments for 1.5 years. The right wing political elements had always held a grudge against the French because of this. Losing Allsace Loraine was not the only thing that the French however had dictated in the Treaty of Versailes which mind you the Germans had no say in. England, France and America (well not so much Woodrow) had decided to split up the German nation, and due to mainly French influence (because Loyd at the time wanted a stronger Germany to trade with) also lost a huge chunk to what later became Polant.
When the right wing element of Germany came to power, (mainly through a very well organized propaganda machine) the first thing they recouperated was Allsace Loraine. The French didnt do anything to stop them, Hitler had played his card very well, and as a result, in 1936 got the region back. Had France massed its army at the border, Germany would have had to retreat. Germany at the time was not allowed to have an army, except for a very small force. They still managed to train one in disguise however. Regardless, these are a few elements why Germany had beef with France and why France had beef with Germany and why they got invaded. Also keep in mind, Germany did not want to fight Britain or France, Germany was just after Russia. But after they entered Czechoslovachia it all became a totally different story. Germany defeated France in 6 weeks.