Statistical data mining


Retarded moron
Can someone please tell me about data mining and what it's useful for?
I'm doing the subject because it might help me a lot, however I don't know much about it.
I dunno - here's a very simplistic example from someone who doesn't know much about the subject. :)

You collect information on a lot of consumers and their purchases, and look for correlations beween characteristics of the consumers and what they buy. Maybe you notice that men in their 30's who are divorced and live in certain states tend to buy a lot of fishing equipment. So you focus advertising campaigns for fishing stuff on that demographic.

I'm sure there are a lot better uses of data mining outside of marketing, but it's an easy example to make. :)
Data Mining is really a broad field that encompasses many different techniques to find information where there seemingly is none. Many of these revolve around trying to classify or predict some attribute based on others. Another is finding associations and relationships between different things. Others involve grouping or clustering things that are similar in some way.

One common example that is given is that a store doing association analysis found that there was a high correlation between people buying baby diapers and beer. After looking into it further they discovered that men who were going shopping for themselves were being tasked by their wives with also buying baby diapers. This lead to them placing beer along with other male-oriented products near the baby diapers.

Another is using Bayesian Filters to reduce spam in your email box. Data mining techniques are used in many other fields as well, from bioinformatics to security monitoring.

If you are interested in the topic, I recommend this book:

Thanks guys.
Seems like a very interesting field.

I would like to apply the methods in data mining to create an AI. I'm guessing that's pretty much the point?
Thanks guys.
Seems like a very interesting field.

I would like to apply the methods in data mining to create an AI. I'm guessing that's pretty much the point?

Data Mining and AI share a many of the same techniques, but the goals are different. Data Mining primarily deals with more well defined and specific problems like filtering spam or predicting stock market trends. AI seems to be more about using these techniques in a generic sort of way to advance machine learning.

Definitely some similarities there. You could argue that we learn as children through a form of datamining where we draw associations between things in our environment.

AI is a kind of merger of genetic algorithms, neural network architectures, and data mining analyses techniques.
Can someone please tell me about data mining and what it's useful for?
I'm doing the subject because it might help me a lot, however I don't know much about it.

Data mining is a process of sophisticated statistical analysis. Most often, the end result is a predictive model. A typical example is a bank analyzing historic loan data to build a predictive model of customer behavior.

See any of the following for more information on data mining: