Starbreeze take on the Ps3 vs Xbox 360 (the Darkness Int)

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czekon said:
I recomend read a whole thread :"GRAW running with and without a PhysX PPU: The outcome is inside this thread" if you are confused

The confusion arose because the point of my post was to point out the same conclusion that one had come up with and your post seemed quite meaningless in that respect. The thread you linked to also seems to not relate to what I posted in that it does not have any indication of what I pointed out (that Ageia is layered on top of Havok). If you are confused, I recommend maybe taking this to PM.
The frame rate issues revolving around ageia being the "icing on the cake" is one thing...

however I now ponder if PhysX was added ontop as a last minute thing? Perhaps, Ageia doing a little money transfering here and there? In all honesty, if you've watched any of their press events, the meat of it all is the endless repitition of its 'the future of gaming'.
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