Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic

bbot said:
I never expected Sony to make a game for Xbox. Why help your competition?

erm..... Sony has been making games for PC for years..... why help your competition? because u can make money out of it....? remember that Sony makes money out of every DVD sold, included the DVD format used in Xbox games, so thats like saying "why is Microsoft paying his competition?"... all these companies are all intricately paying each other for patents and things like that. and Sony making games for PC (which then might be ported to Xbox, no criticism intended) is not such an out-of-this-world-thing... especially since Sony IS MAKING PC's themselves....
Yup, DnD from Bioware and if you will, a SW game. Somewhat of a rarity in the console scene flooded with generic been there done that JRPGs. :oops:

KOTOR, Fable, Sudeki, Morrowind. Truely the true cool RPGs. Who is to say Xbox lacks RPGs now? :oops:
chaphack said:
Yup, DnD from Bioware and if you will, a SW game. Somewhat of a rarity in the console scene flooded with generic been there done that JRPGs. :oops:

KOTOR, Fable, Sudeki, Morrowind. Truely the true cool RPGs. Who is to say Xbox lacks RPGs now? :oops:

yeah god bless the xbox
Indeed. And it's only taken them a year and a half to get two coming sometime in the future that aren't PC ports or 100% PC style RPGs with their release coming as well. :p
cthellis42 said:
Indeed. And it's only taken them a year and a half to get two coming sometime in the future that aren't PC ports or 100% PC style RPGs with their release coming as well. :p

Whats wrong with pc style rpgs ? I don't see any kind of problem . Its nice to have more than just jrpgs
chaphack said:
Yup, DnD from Bioware and if you will, a SW game. Somewhat of a rarity in the console scene flooded with generic been there done that JRPGs. :oops:

KOTOR, Fable, Sudeki, Morrowind. Truely the true cool RPGs. Who is to say Xbox lacks RPGs now? :oops:

yes the Xbox finaly an a reasonable RPG lineup, oh and the Xbox ain't exactly flooded with them quite yet.

I'll wait for the console scene to be flooded with more genreic RPg's thanks.