Star Trek: Legacy

Does that include any single-player fixes or is it just for the multiplayer?

It's just multiplayer. Looks like there was some kind of screw-up and the in-game lobby wasn't working/included. Rumours are that Bethseda were going with Gamespy, and then changed their mind at the last minute, leaving the developer Maddoc to pick up the pieces with this 0-Day patch.

Oh, and thanks for all the heads up BZB. :)

You never know, someone's gotta bring out a good Trek game sometime. Besides, the fan-boy angst over in the Bethseda Trek Forum is entertainment all by itself!
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Does it have a mouse-look mode like Freelancer and Dark Star One or is it strictly WASD?
Uhm, mebbe? Mouse strictly controls camera, WASD strictly controls the ship.

No key mapping makes Digi cry. :cry:

EDITED BITS: Just started poking around in the game files and almost all the config files are text, so I give 'em BIG points for that and figure it's just a matter of finding where to lay down my binds now. :)
I've had a skim though the Trek forums today, and the consensus seems to be..."Buggy, unfinished mess with loads of features cut". And those are the players that are feeling kind. :cry:

Looks like another Bethseda publishing mess as they rushed the game out the door to hit the Christmas season. The Trek game curse strikes again.
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I've had a skim though the Trek forums today, and the consensus seems to be..."Buggy, unfinished mess with loads of features cut". And those are the players that are feeling kind. :cry:

Looks like another Bethseda publishing mess as they rushed the game out the door to hit the Christmas season. The Trek game curse strikes again.

Sigh... I was really hoping for something good. It makes you feel bad for the developer when they are pushed into releasing something that they didn't get to finish because of the publisher.

Hey Digi... self-shadows are in the game?

Yes, but a few people are saying they don't stay on when you set them.

what to do what to do....

Choices, choices. You can:

1. Buy it now, wait for a patch and hope that by showing support for the titles there's a patch sometime down the line and that the game isn't abandoned in it's current state.

2. Wait a few months until it is patched up to a satisfactory level, buy it cheap from the bargain bin, and hope the low sales of people doing likewise don't cause Bethseda to abandon any patches in the first place.

Your best bet is probably to take a look a the Trek forum and see what people are saying. Truth is, lots of people are saying things like it's unfinished, a poor console port, buggy, lightweight, mising features, etc. There's a few people hoping optimistically for patches that will fix everything, but I don't think the lightweight game mechanics will be changed. There's also some people enjoying it for what it is, but I guess their expectations are lower.

Personally, I wouldn't pay full retail prices for Legacy now. Too many issues and problems for it to be considered an A grade title, though it may be interesting to see what the modders make of it.
Choices, choices. You can:

1. Buy it now, wait for a patch and hope that by showing support for the titles there's a patch sometime down the line and that the game isn't abandoned in it's current state.

2. Wait a few months until it is patched up to a satisfactory level, buy it cheap from the bargain bin, and hope the low sales of people doing likewise don't cause Bethseda to abandon any patches in the first place.

Your best bet is probably to take a look a the Trek forum and see what people are saying. Truth is, lots of people are saying things like it's unfinished, a poor console port, buggy, lightweight, mising features, etc. There's a few people hoping optimistically for patches that will fix everything, but I don't think the lightweight game mechanics will be changed. There's also some people enjoying it for what it is, but I guess their expectations are lower.

Personally, I wouldn't pay full retail prices for Legacy now. Too many issues and problems for it to be considered an A grade title, though it may be interesting to see what the modders make of it.

I may impulse get it immediately and suck it up because it's $20 off here in Canada today. Then again.... *sigh*... I will wait until later down the road. I'll make a decision when I finally get a 360. Thanks for the advice, man. :)

The *complaints* threads are pretty fragmented and the people aren't as knowledgable as here! Ah well, gonna have to plow through them all. But it almost seems like functionality is somewhat borked ala Double Agent (360-emphasized controls)

What is up with PC releases these days? SC:DA was reaaaally shoddy. I can't get past certain parts, the performance is considerably worse than SC:CT... Controls were buggy... THIS is a title I should have researched more on the UBI forums.
Consoles are turning into cheap PC game machines. That's what's happening. Of course, the consoles don't have the control scheme available on PC so the controls get crippled.

As to the state of the latest Trek game? Me != surprised. That forum was so full of idealism that I couldn't handle it. It reminded me of my Trek-game-rabies-frothing back when StarFleet Academy was on the way from Interplay, and after it's horrific release we fans tried to plea for a patch that would overhaul the whole thing lol! There hasn't been a good Trek space combat sim basically ever. Closest was the ultra repetitive (even the music! lol) and non-realistic Bridge Commander. The X-Wing/Tie Fighter/old school WW2 sim guys at Totally Games couldn't even get it right. Crazy.
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