"Square on board Xbox Next?"

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Square Enix considering next-gen Xbox development - Wada

Rob Fahey 12:32 14/05/2004
Could Final Fantasy come to Xbox Next?

Japanese publisher Square Enix could be on board as a developer for Microsoft's next console, according to company president Yoichi Wada, who says the next-generation Xbox "would fully deserve consideration."

Speaking with US website GameSpot, Wada referred to an "evolution in the thinking" at Microsoft and said that his company - which makes the enormously popular Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest titles, as well as Disney crossover franchise Kingdom Hearts and the recently launched Fullmetal Alchemist series - would consider working on Xbox 2.

Explaining Square Enix' decision not to develop on the Xbox platform, Wada pulled no punches - saying that "there is no reason for us to allocate development staff for Xbox when we can have PS2."

"When you look at the Xbox from the standpoint of a standalone game console, it's not different from the PS2," he stated. "But when you look at it from the installed base perspective, there is a big difference."

Wada was also critical of Microsoft's approach to online gaming, although he lauded the company for focusing on this area - unsurprisingly so, since Square Enix itself has committed strongly to the online gaming market and has enjoyed significant success with its Final Fantasy XI online RPG.

"Xbox pursued network gaming, and that is a fine idea," he said. "I would evaluate that to be good. However, the attempt was to create a closed network in a closed environment. That is completely contrary to our concept of networked business."

Square Enix, of course, isn't the only company which found Microsoft's approach to online gaming not to be to its taste. Electronic Arts also fell out with the Redmond-based giant over the terms of the Xbox Live service - and the dispute between the two was only settled earlier this week, when EA announced that it would bring its titles to Xbox Live later this year.

It's not clear what concessions Microsoft made to EA in return for that support, but reading between the lines of Wada's comments, it seems likely that these concessions could be integrated into the standard terms of the online service on Xbox 2 - marking the "evolution in the thinking" to which Wada referred, and making the Xbox into a much more attractive platform for companies such as EA and Square Enix.

Support from Square Enix could be crucial to Xbox 2 - at present, Xbox is the only gaming platform not supported in some way by the Japanese giant, whose business is primarily focused on PlayStation 2 but also includes development for GameCube, Game Boy Advance, PlayStation Portable, Nintendo DS, PCs and mobile phone platforms.

Further Reading: [Yoichi Wada interview - GameSpot]

There were a lot of contacts/meetings between Redmon and Squaresoft at the moment of the launch of the Xbox 1, but square didn't accepted to develop for Xbox at that time.

And when you read this:
according to company president Yoichi Wada, who says the next-generation Xbox "would fully deserve consideration."


"When you look at the Xbox from the standpoint of a standalone game console, it's not different from the PS2," he stated. "But when you look at it from the installed base perspective, there is a big difference."

It doesn't sound like they are aiming for developing for the Xbox platform...

Maybe hey planning to port theirs Online games, when FFXI was announced, back in the days, the producer of the game said he wanted that game on "all the platforms with online capabilities", so...

Also, since Square-Enix do not "multi-platforms" games, the only possibility to see a FF or a DQ on Xbox 2 will be that they(MS) take at least 30% of the marketshare in japan, or that Square-Enix goes Cross-platform publishing/developing. Japan is the First market for Square-Enix, the same Japan which is MS's nightmare.
thop said:
Doesn't really matter because nobody will buy the XBOX2 in japan anyway.

thats not true. Yes ms has to do more workwork than isony to sell in japan. But it could easily take a large portion of the market in japan. IT just has to be better over all
They have a lot of thinking to do and a lot of momentum to overcome, though. Especially with such a poor showing the first time, I don't think I'd attach the words "easily" to it; I don't much expect the newly-redesigned-and-cooler N-Gage to make it a widely popular device, as negative stigma has the habit of sticking around.

Regardless, SquareEnix games sell quite a lot to the rest of the world and all, so I can certainly see them aiming games at any of the systems for any of the markets, even if it's just wider cross-system porting than they've done before.
thop said:
Doesn't really matter because nobody will buy the XBOX2 in japan anyway.
nobody will buy an Xbox in Japan, but as far as Xbox 2 is concerned, we don't know if Japanese gamers will like it or not...
The XBOX is marketed at the US market, and XBOX2 will be as well i'm pretty sure. It's a lot easier to sell a japanese console in the US (as we see every day) than an US one in japan. The'll have to go to tremendeous lengths to sell a decent amount there. And i think even then it will be very difficult.
Xbox 2 and PS3 will start from a zero installed base so MS has a chance considering they do their homework and design the console to be small, sleek, elegant etc. That said, Square-Enix's comments regarding Xbox 2 makes sense.
Meh. Square hasn't made a good game since FFVI. I've hated the direction of the FF games since the creation of FFVII. All imo of course.

I'm still a huge lover of the Dragonquest series though. Unfortunately one hasn't been released here in ages. :(
It'll only mean something when Square Enix puts their money where their mouth is. unless Xbox 2 explodes in the U.S. and Europe ( i mean does extremely well) there is little reason for Square Enix to concider Xbox 2.
Microsoft has basicly zero market share in Japan. Square Enix will be too busy supporting PS2, GBA, Gamecube, PSP, PS3, DS and N5, for them to bother with Xbox 2.
I´d really like to see what archie4oz´s has to say about this. :)

As for me, I´m a big fan of S E´s games, and I don´t believe there is a chance that this could happen. First off, S E´s and MS´s online model are in somewhat of a conflict, and SE didn´t invest that money and resources into PlayOnline for nothing, did they?

Next, MS´s console is made by americans, for americans. It´s not that tough to sell that kind of product in Europe, but I feel that such a product will never be able to sell in Japan. No significant userbase in Japan = no SE support, IMO.

BTW, why was FFXII really delayed? I´m really anticipating this one, and it sucks to see such a big delay. Did it really needed to be delayed that much, or did S E got a little too "Nintendofied" and decided to spread out their releases to give each one their own couple of months of spotlight? :?
Almasy said:
BTW, why was FFXII really delayed? I´m really anticipating this one, and it sucks to see such a big delay. Did it really needed to be delayed that much, or did S E got a little too "Nintendofied" and decided to spread out their releases to give each one their own couple of months of spotlight? :?

Square-Enix indeed delayed the release date of FFXII to let Dragon Quest VIII more time on the market, without any perturbation.
They won't let FFXII hype kill or attenuate DQVIII sales. :D
I think MS is going to be altering their online model for Xbox, as well as X2. It's gotten them in trouble with EA, and if it continues to irk other people...

They want to remain competitive, so that means not being quite so self-centered in their design. And heck, if XNA works the way they say it should, everything should integrate beautifully no matter who's hosting what, eh? ;)

Offhand, I don't think they precisely care if they host games or not--they just want to ensure a minimum level of quality across their Live titles, and with some publishers they'll just end up helping out. They're not going to let anything stand in their way, however--you work around it.