Spore video

PeterT said:
In contrast, classical mechanics are in fact wrong (in some cases) as some smart people discovered around the beginning of the last century.
Not proven wrong. There's people (minority) using classic mechanics to resolve things many had consigned to Relativity etc. ;)

I accept a lot of higher level sciences as proven. Biology and chemistry, history of the Earth, and atomic theory is all very convincing. A lot of the low level stuff like theories on creation or quantum mechanics seems pretty inconclusive to me. The reality is maybe something totally new no-one's thought of yet?

Which brings me to the point I was trying to make all along - a game based on subatomic Tetris blocks where you try to create DNA strands that evolve into energy beings which create universes is what London Boy's crying out for!
I have the perfect question to bring us completely back on track: Why is this thread in the Console Games forum? Didn't I get the memo? I thought it was being developed for the PC - and the interface in the video doesn't look like it lends itself to anything but mouse-based interaction.
Perhaps a hint that PS3 has a mouse, or it's Revolution controlled?

Or just misplaced, though is there a PC games forum?
PeterT said:
I have the perfect question to bring us completely back on track: Why is this thread in the Console Games forum? Didn't I get the memo? I thought it was being developed for the PC - and the interface in the video doesn't look like it lends itself to anything but mouse-based interaction.
because the game is stringly rumoured to be showing up on the 360?

Also, what about the interface makes it require a mouse? You have a spore that moves around (one thumbstick like geometry wars) camera can easily be rotated with trigger, and then you have a menu system. Targeting can be done just using auto-lock.

Only the 'editor' looks really designed for a mouse, and that can easily be done on a console with a floating pointer, it doesn't require large ranges of motion, or any speed or precision really.
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scooby_dooby said:
because the game is stringly rumoured to be showing up on the 360?

Lots of games are.

As is, though, this would probably be more at home in the Handheld forum than here, as at least there are firm signs via job posts that it is coming to handhelds!

It's quite probable the game will come to consoles, particularly if it's a success like Maxis's previous, but for now it's not for sure.

The video is amazing, as always though. I hope they show more at their upcoming GDC presentation, again.
scooby_dooby said:
Only the 'editor' looks really designed for a mouse, and that can easily be done on a console with a floating pointer, it doesn't require large ranges of motion, or any speed or precision really.
Have you watched the whole video and listened to what Will tells us? "Only" the various editors are practically the entire game, the rest is mostly fluff ;)

But sure, you could probably find a way to control it with a gamepad, I just never heard anything about this game appearing for consoles. And Handhelds? It would have to be severely downgraded for that. Any links for all of this?
I just did finish watching the video, and it would be tricky, but not too hard...the editors are basically a bunch of handles you drag.

As an aside, this game is amazing, simply awesome.

I think the Steve Ballmer interview kicke doff most of the rumours:
"In an interview with Joystiq.com, Ballmer discussed the importance of showcasing innovation when it comes to seeing off the 360's rivals. "We've got to be there telling the story and showing those things which are more interesting," he said, "Whether it's a Spore or a Kameo, which is a different kind of game for the console world.""
PeterT said:
Yet they are still taught and there is no great public outrage - I wonder why?
Ockham's Razor. They're reasonable approximations up to a certain point. No need to complicate things when the less complex theroy is equally predictive for whatever particular application.

I'm sorry too for the OT, but there's not much more to be said about Spore. Really looking forward to more information about it myself, as it looks very interresting.