*spin-off* View Weapon Models in Games

I wouldn't say horrible but it sure looks bad. The surfaces are overly white on metal surfaces looking ankward like if there was a 300w lightbulb litting it. The artowrk is what makes msot of the detail and then it has normal mapping maybe specular or a cubemap for fake reflections like most other games do.

It may be the dynamic lighting. If you look at some KZ2 trailers, you'll notice that light and the lens flare effect play with the gun also (or rather your view point). The smoke, sand, and dust also obscure your view (of the gun parts) and gun sight on-the-fly, which makes me feel like I'm in an outdoor environment. The weight of the weapon is conveyed via the controls and elaborate animation. The consequences of using the guns (i.e., the death animations) are gracefully done. That's why KZ2 atmosphere and weapons are amazing.

Comparing KZ2 shots may be tricky because of these factors. There are other effects like DOF that blur the look selectively too. Like the image Silent_Buddha call out before.

We'll never be able to experience the real KZ2 (weapon) feel just by staring at a static screen. So much info is lost or misinterpreted. It's like the story of a few blind men trying to figure out what an elephant is by holding on to its different parts. If a blind man holds its ears or trunk, he will have a different, limited view of the elephant.
I was going to edit this in in post above which adressed your comment but I thought it was so hilarious that I moved it to the front. I had someone point out to me that I bypassed that in screenshot you posted Rangers that it was not only high settings as I said but also beta/alpha pre-release shot by Crytek. Take a really good look at the nansouit arms and guns design and artwork. Now take a good look at the screenshot I posted of all high settings from same spot. See something funny? ;)

Really you've never played or had proper first hand experience with the game else you wouldn't say the gun looks like the screenshot you posted as it cant look like that, impossible.. both shading, design and artwork is off.
...I'm posting what you see onscreen while PLAYING for 99% of playtime...

This is what the gun looks like most of the time you are playing. Rather dark and not as advanced as the rest of the game.



It was good eh? Next chapter now. :)
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It may depend on his PC setup.

You cant 'excuse' this one Patsu ( :p ). The image he posted is Crytek pre-release material and is hosted by Gamespot and other sites. Look at the link. Also that weapon model and nanosuit dont exists as mod nor the shading type and some small things are not same in final game like muzzle flash form, different color for car, blue head cap (final has red).

And even if we assumed those mods existed that would downgrade weapon model, nanosuit arms and weapon shaders then he would deliberately be downgrading weapon visuals and then complaining about it. That would be called trolling.
I have no idea, but have you played the same game on the lowest setting ?

Yes I have played bits at lowest. There is no artwork change at any setting, no asset design/form change either, no swap of color for cap, no swap of muzzle flash design.

And...... it would not mather becouse the image from Gamespot shows high settings like mine, not lowest settings, eh!
He's probably looking for something representative, just like reviewers who took a GT5 Special Event video to prove their point in GT5 AI for the entire game -- even though that video may not convey the full picture.

If it's out of context, then may be he only played it pre-release. If he hasn't played the game before, then God help us.
He's probably looking for something representative, just like reviewers who took a GT5 Special Event video to prove their point in GT5 AI for the entire game -- even though that video may not convey the full picture.

But it aint representative and he should know claiming to have played the game. The design and artwork is not something as dynamic as AI that can show many "faces" in different captures. Geometry for weapon doesn't morph and artwork doesnt procedurally morph, shaders dont auto downgrade themselves to non existing shader code. Actually the old material shader was disabled by Crytek in shaders that gave the pre-release shot(s) the plastic look on material surfaces due to bump mapping. The new shading methods are by far superior at higher cost but if one looks at old pre-release material one can see how utterly simplistic tech is compared to final game. It's like they first planed to have 'very high' as something for 6800GT-7800GTX and single core CPU systems.

And then the game is 3 years old to... 3 years.

If it's out of context, then may be he only played it pre-release. If he hasn't played the game before, then God help us.

But you see pre-release is the singleplayer demo and it shares the same assets and shaders as final game (I am sure there are still valid links to shots of demo in PC screenshot thread that I've taken and with gun)... it is a portion of final game!

Thats it. :smile:
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