Sony's profit nosedived by 98%, yes, NINETY EIGHT PER CENT!

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Me three. Thats why i bolded the last part. I never really heard much about Samsung(aside maybe for their PC monitors).
Samsung's growth has been exponential in the last few years or so....funny thing is no-one noticed it. They are 3rd lasgest mobile phone maker in the world (after Nokia and Motorola(?))...largest maker of DRAM chips....they are doing extremely well in consumer electronic sector...another imp fact is that another Korean company, LG is also going great guns...for example, here in India, Samsung and LG 's Indian arms are clocking turnover at more than $ 1B each and growing extremely fast. One reason for their success is I think is the fact that they make so many things, and there products generally are priced less than others.
marconelly! said:
Yeah, Samsung surprised me too.

Heck, I still consider them to be some kind of B-quality company... given blind option between their product and something made by say, Sony/Toshiba, I wouldn't even think twice what I'd buy :\

Actually Samsung have very good products in certain categories. Cell phones, LCDs, Plasmas, MP3 players to name a few.
some of u guys are such queens, going for the big names without actually caring about the quality of the product.......... i mean at least i've got an excuse :LOL:
But I still don;t believe that Samsung is bigger than Sony. Can some post their respective annual turnover?


By Alfred Hermida
BBC News Online technology editor

Sony will have to face up to falling demand for its PlayStation 2 games console in the future, say analysts.
Figures from the Japanese electronics giant showed a rough three months for the console, with shipments of the PS2 down by almost two million, compared to the same time last year.

"It will start to slow naturally," said Adrian Drozd, managing analyst at Datamonitor. "Most people who want a games console already have one."

But he said Sony should not be worried by the latest figures as the PS2 is still the undisputed king of the console market.

Price points

More than 50 million PS2s have been shipped since the console was launched in Japan in March 2000.


PlayStation 2 - 51.2 million
GameCube - 9.55 million
Xbox - 9.4 million

Sony profits plunge 98%
By comparison, Nintendo's GameCube and Microsoft's Xbox, are languishing around the 10 million mark.

Sony's rivals may take some satisfaction from the figures showing a slowdown in sales of the PS2.

Shipments of the console dropped by 42% to 2.65 million units for the April to June period, compared to the same time in 2002.

The large drop is partly due to bumper sales of the console this time last year. A wave of drastic price cuts led to a surge in demand as people snapped up the machines.

This year, prices have remained more or less static, so it is hardly surprising that sales are down compared to 2002.

"The PlayStation had a very good period last year," explained Mr Drozd. "Prices have got to the point where it is difficult to lower them further."

He said the next boom in console sales will come when the next generation of machines are released in two or three years' time.

Instead, console makers will be concentrating on services like online gaming to boost their bottom line.
Deepak said:
But I still don;t believe that Samsung is bigger than Sony. Can some post their respective annual turnover?

Samsung has grown rapidly these years, have many pretty good products. And caught up with the big names recently.

But the way I see is her products aren't really that good comparing to the price she is asking for. But many people are still buying them thinking they are indeed of comparable quality and price (may be a tad bit lower).

She is very successful, really. IMO, she is successful in selling products at a higher than the market price for comparable quality. And BTW, I think that she has grown a bit too proud recently.

Sorry for my ranting as a consumer (considered seriously in buying the products but dropped after seriously considering the quality and price) and a member of the consumer electronics industry.
WELL, after a while u'd expect PS2 sales to drop a bit, i mean pretty much everyone who wants one already has one. still i dont see where the problem is, since even after the sales fall, it's still selling more than twice the amount of units of the competition... so....?

also remember that we're in a period where not many big games coming out, and it's summer.... come on, come autumn, christmas and the new year there is going to be loads of big AAA titles out, Jak2, the MGS3, GT4 and more, so sales will pick up again, still, there is going o be a point where no one else will need a PS2 cuz everyone who wants the thing already has it.... it's been selling like crazy so far, give the thing a break...
Samsung makes horrible Tv's in my experience. We bought two of them, both the same model but one a 20" and another a 13" both failed of the same problem in two years.. :rolleyes:

Maybe they have fixed their problems.
Chaphack - Are you due to deliver on a futures contract for 10K shares of Sony stock or something?

And I'm shocked as anyone about the growth of Samsung. The Japanese economy has been going nowhere fast since 1989 while its neighbors have been doing somewhat well. I read somewhere recently that GDP per capita in purchasing power adjusted terms in South Korea and Taiwan is now about 70% of the Japanese figure. Amazing.
"It will start to slow naturally," said Adrian Drozd, managing analyst at Datamonitor. "Most people who want a games console already have one."
Not quite true considering the 85 million PS1s and 30 million N64s sold, and especially considering that the gaming market seems to be larger this time around. He goes to say later on that the lowering the price will have effect on sales, just as it obviously had last year when the price drop ensued. There was a big jump in sales last year when the price dropped, and now that there are fewer people who want to buy the console at that price, sales will naturally not be as high.
Let's hope Sony doesn't do a Sega ;)

Wouldn't it be funny if Sega would buy Sony's PlayStation department? :LOL:

Nah, daydreaming again, played too much lylat wars ...
I figure a lot of other console sale drops came from those who waited on the new model before purchasing, since the release was close at hand. We'll have to see what next quarter's is to make better guesses on the trend.
Samsung makes horrible Tv's in my experience.
They keywords being "in my experience". In reality they actually make very good TV's :)

I'm not surprised Samsung is huge. Their memory modules are all over the place, their TV sales have probably risen quite a bit, and I don't doubt that their PC monitor sales are exceptional.... I'm probably only scraping the surface here. If they skyrocketed as much as they have you gotta know they're doing something right ;)
Well really its no wonder console says are down year over year, last year XB and PS2 dropped $100 USD, GC $50 USD, and this year XB/PS2 dropped $20, GC got an optional pack-in.
They keywords being "in my experience". In reality they actually make very good TV's

Which is why two TV's of the same model failed of the same problem in two years?

They make good TV's, that fail after a short amount of time. Unless maybe, they got their act together.

BTW, how do you exactly hack that EDTV into a HDTV? And after the hack what hdtv resolutions does it support.
Looks like you might have just bought a couple of fluke TV's from the same model line that could have had issues. Keep in mind that that kind of issue is rather rare. I haven't heard of any "nightmare stories" such as yours from anyone else with a Samsung set. Shit happens.

You hack the EDTV into an HDTV through the service menu. You enter one of the video settings menus and change "No 1080i" from 1 to 0. After that it supports 1080i. I don't believe it will upconvert a 720p signal to 1080i though.
I've had bad experiences with two different nVidia cards. A friend of mine has had bad experiences with two different ATI cards. I guess both companies are pretty crappy, and one shouldn't buy from EITHER of them, right? ;)
DeathKnight said:
Samsung makes horrible Tv's in my experience.
They keywords being "in my experience". In reality they actually make very good TV's :)
And in who's experience is this reality? Your preception or some all knowing statistic which represents a weighted average of every Samsung TV sold?
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