sony portable videoplayer , 4 hours playback claimed

Hmm, weird. I wouldn't have expected them to launch a different non-DVD portable player since PSP is coming ever closer. Granted it's of different nature (HD instead of removable media) so doesn't REALLY get in the way, but it also doesn't push along UMD any...

Think they're trying to "grease the wheel" of consumer knowledge/expectations for devices like to give a headstart to PSP?
MfA said:
Why? This is usefull as a portable video player, the PSP isnt.

I'm genuinely curious. So, UMD alone is enough to kill off PSP; yet the inconvinence of fixed storage and USB2.0 is duable?

Perhaps I'm thinking of this wrong, but my 'quasi-vision' of the future of electronics would seem to put the convergence device with 802.11x way ahead. Even iPod I look at as a hack due to the legacy connectivity of IEEE1394 or USB2.0, as I truely believe that if someone comes to market with an 802.11x device (not necessarily PSP) with some elegent, smart software it would beat iPod at it's own game.
Fixed storage is great, personally I would much rather have a PSP with a HD. The only problem is that you would need something like a PC with an internet connection to transfer licensed stuff stored on say a DVD to it (this can be done securely ... too much work to explain how it would need to be done if you dont see it yourself, in which case just believe me :). Of course Im not an average consumer :(

It is the only way the PSP would be usefull as a portable video player, putting in both a HD and a UMD drive is impossible due to size restrictions ... and releasing a recorder for UMD would be much more dangerous from a warez point of view than uploading protected content to an internal HD from an internet connected PC (again, just believe me on that).

Wireless is nice, but if you want to transfer great amounts the lack of bandwith kills the convenience.
Vince said:
Even iPod I look at as a hack due to the legacy connectivity of IEEE1394 or USB2.0

Legacy? WTF is "legacy" about either of these standards, huh? FFS, Vince, they are what, five times faster than wireless ethernet? More? Also, there's a more than odd chance any random computer is actually equipped with one of these (since wireless access points aren't exactly cheap you know), plus you can charge the batteries too while docking it. Something you will not be able to do with wireless.

Your vision seems rather stupid to me...

Wireless connectivity for something like this is what I'd call a gimmick. It's not neccessary for this kind of gadget at all, nor even particulary useful.

Wireless certainly isn't a "gimmick" if for the sole reason that it makes Joe Consumer more able to understand and use and feel easier about buying devices. Certain users care more about speed, but the broad landscape of technical idiots that everyone has to cater to just wants ease of use. "Put in a disk, follow the instructions, and then all I have to do is hit a button and it does the rest? Sold!" They've gradually gotten used to docking stations, but other methods like IrDA didn't pick up much; wireless is the key to getting everyone on board easily.

Of course I certainly don't see FireWire or USB 2.0 as "legacy" but then my standpoint is different, and I know WAY too many people who get confused with what cords go where and why, and if you throw a dongle at them they damn near have a seizure. Wireless is WAY past "gimmick" and will be where basically everything that's not speed-critical will end up going in the near future.

MfA said:
Fixed storage is great, personally I would much rather have a PSP with a HD.

Well, the cool thing is at least they have Memory Stick as well, and while you won't have the highest quality, you can still fit plenty for the smaller screen on the larger-capacity sticks. (1GB have over half the capacity of UMD as it is, and no doubt they will be kicking them up all the while.) Still costs a lot for the sticks right now, but they'll continue to go down in price and up in capacity, so it's certainly good that the capability is there. ^_^

Meanwhile, a PSP with a HD would be NICE, but price themselves right out of competition for the gaming market. HD MP3 players are expensive enough, and they don't have nearly the other considerations. The device we're looking at now is bound to be much more expensive.
Doesn't much, but PSP comparisons were indevitable, and there's no "gadgets" forum. ;) UMD will be made or lost mainly by price point, and secondly by uniqueness if distribution (and after that, some influence from relative desperation of the RIAA and MPAA). If they only follow the exact model done by music/movies now they're unlikely to make a dent, but if they attempt to broaden the boundries and update the appeal and offer new alternatives... <shrugs> Happens all the time, so it can certainly happen here.

I wouldn't have expected them to launch a different non-DVD portable player since PSP is coming ever closer.
This is what I keep telling you people; Sony Electronics doesn't care what SCEI does, and vice versa. They are enemies within.
This is what I keep telling you people; Sony Electronics doesn't care what SCEI does, and vice versa. They are enemies within.

Re: ...

DeadmeatGA said:
I wouldn't have expected them to launch a different non-DVD portable player since PSP is coming ever closer.
This is what I keep telling you people; Sony Electronics doesn't care what SCEI does, and vice versa. They are enemies within.

You know that SCE and Sony Electornics lost their independent Semiconductor business and the chief at the Game Business Group and at the Semiconductor Solutions Netowrk Company ( which icnludes all the Semiconductor R&D assets of the whole Sony group ) is Ken Kutaragi, right ?

You also know that the effect of Transformation 60 force the inter-operation of previously stubborn and money loosing Sony Electronics and Sony Music with the PlayStation business ? Sony Electronics and Sony Music ( and SCE ) will have to support the platforms developed by Sony CE and by that I mainly mean SSNC which is the hand behind the Semiconductor R&D of the whole Sony group.

Digital CE is the new paradigm for Sony and the basis, the backbone of Digital CE is Semiconductor strength: who controls that strength basically controls Digital CE at Sony and this man, whether you like it or not ( many do like this fact ), is Ken Kutaragi COO of Home, Broadband and Semiconductor Solutions Network groups.
I wont say they are "enemies" but more like Sony lacks focus. Wants to be jackie trading but non be the masters. well, thats what analysts are saying too.

Sony Electronics and Sony Music ( and SCE ) will have to support the platforms developed by Sony CE and by that I mainly mean SSNC which is the hand behind the Semiconductor R&D of the whole Sony group.
I think it is going the other way around, with Kutaragi suddenly speaking about this new "media processor" that came out of nowhere.

The fact is that the operations of Sony Electronics and SCEI are mutually incompatible. Sony Electronics has bet its future platform on a standard-based CELF platform, while SCEI goes on with its proprietary and non-standard CELL.
Re: ...

DeadmeatGA said:
Sony Electronics and Sony Music ( and SCE ) will have to support the platforms developed by Sony CE and by that I mainly mean SSNC which is the hand behind the Semiconductor R&D of the whole Sony group.
I think it is going the other way around, with Kutaragi suddenly speaking about this new "media processor" that came out of nowhere.

The fact is that the operations of Sony Electronics and SCEI are mutually incompatible. Sony Electronics has bet its future platform on a standard-based CELF platform, while SCEI goes on with its proprietary and non-standard CELL.

SCEI's Semiconductor R&D is NO MORE, get it in your head.

Like Linux could not be ported to CELL... guess that IBM with all the Billions they spend on Linux R&D eahc year and all the tons of rumors about the CELL OS, made by IBM primaly, will be Linux based will not play in the CELF strategy :rolleyes:

SCEI's Semiconductor R&D is NO MORE, get it in your head.
Does that mean Kutaragi Ken is going to abondon CELL and adapt the industry standard CELF platform for PSX3? Of course not. Even within Sony groups there will be two incompatible standards, the CELL and CELF.
Ken Kutaragi is now heading SSNC which is where ALL the SEMICONDUCTOR RESOURCES of the WHOLE Sony group, including SCE's Semiconductor R&D resources are being consolidated with Transformation 60.

CELL OS has the chance of, the big chance, of being Linux b ased at heart and it will play in the CELF strategy.

You do not want to believe that as it would be good news for CELL, good news for Ken Kutaragi and you do not want that.

CELL OS has the chance of, the big chance, of being Linux b ased at heart and it will play in the CELF strategy.
Linux based, yes. CELF compliant? No way.

You do not want to believe that as it would be good news for CELL, good news for Ken Kutaragi and you do not want that.
It has nothing to do with beliefs; these are facts.