Something wrong with the HL2 Story

Ilfirin said:
Are you sure? They said they fixed FSAA on all cards.. which to me says even stuff like Geforce1 level cards, that obviously don't have any centriod sampling HW in them.

IIRC, The issue was only with artifacts that MSAA introduced. Hence, there was never an issue with GF1/2/3/4 and Radeon 7x00/8500. Their solution was to use Centroid sampling on cards which support it [all ATI R3x0] and then pixel-shaders to do AA on MSAA cards [Nvidia GF-FX].
BRiT said:
IIRC, The issue was only with artifacts that MSAA introduced. Hence, there was never an issue with GF1/2/3/4 and Radeon 7x00/8500. Their solution was to use Centroid sampling on cards which support it [all ATI R3x0] and then pixel-shaders to do AA on MSAA cards [Nvidia GF-FX].

AFAIK, the GF3 and 4 don't support straight supersampling, only mixed modes. So there should have been a "problem" on those cards too. But maybe pixel shaders 1.1 is enough for this "problem although i wonder what kind of performance you would get from these cards if that's what they did.
to be honest I doubt it will be playable with aa on with a GF3/4 unless you are talking 800x600 from what I have seen.
You can always use lower detail settings with AA on, not that you'd want to. But the game is supposed to run even on DX6 cards or something insane like that.

Anyway, I asked Gabe how they solved it and I'll post the response here when I hear back (unless he doesn't want it posted, of course).
Thats how they fixed it for ATI's R300 series. The NV30 series have a fix that uses PS2.0 ( :oops: ;) ), however AFAIK this still leaves GF3/4 out in the cold WRT to MSAA support.