Hyp-X said:I find it interesting that everytime someone signs up just to insult an established forum member, he claims to read the forum for a long time.
Grall said:If you're so concerned with 'stopping troll-like behavior' *cough* join date *cough* 3133t-spelling *cough*, why did you not send Demo a PM instead of stirring up the thread like this?
Hyp-X said:So will HL2 use point-sampling and no mipmapping for textures as bilinear/trilinear filtering also causes texture samples taken from nearby area?
It will be very ugly if they do that...
RussSchultz said:/me too, but not due to Democoder, if you catch my drift.biffz0r said:/me fears for the continued high level of discussion of the forums...
Kalbaz said:/me takes out alchemists fire....![]()
Don't count on it. Regardless of what one of the whitepapers said FAA is still multisampling so it will have the same problem.hkultala_ said:now this reminds me about Parhelia:
AFAIK it should be immune to this effect and it's FAA is much faster than any SSAA...
so parhelia might be quite a good card to run HL2![]()
DemoCoder said:Strongly disappointed with past claims (game engines claiming they targeted DX7 and DX8)
Strongly disappointed with past claims of "scalability" (progressive geometry, fallback shading)
Skeptical of Valve's claims. Company's bread and butter is people with crap systems. Company has put huge effort into milking HL1 with as little effort as possible and funky content distribution schemes, reselling HL1 and not even fixing old bugs.
Selling a game engine designed with DX9+ level content on nice screen shots and movies to their bread and butter audience could lead to buyer shock, as what happened with Enter the Matrix as people looked over screenshots, and then found out that their graphics got scaled down massively (and fugly) on their own systems and consoles.
Let's just say that I am reserving judgement on the hype coming out of Gabe et al, because I've heard it all before from others, promising the world, and coming up short. (Daikatana anyone?) I have a DX9 card (9700 PRO) so it is not a worry to me, and I hope Valve succeeds because if love HL1/TF2/CS and want more of the same, but with awesome graphics and physics.
DemoCoder said:Skeptical of Valve's claims. Company's bread and butter is people with crap systems. Company has put huge effort into milking HL1 with as little effort as possible and funky content distribution schemes, reselling HL1 and not even fixing old bugs.
/me unsheathes Vorpal Sword... shhiinggg.........!
jpaana said:Those use at maximum one pixel outside the sampling area due to 2x2 filtering (AF is another matter all the way) so adding the one pixel border shouldn't be a problem.