Something scary, I made the top 10 at B3D!


Every so often I check out me post rankings at the various sites I visit, and I kind of freaked to find out I made it into the top 10 posters here.

Me stupid celebration is to dredge up an old thread from EB and update it's stats here, B3D makes the sixth board I'm in the top 10 list on.

Elite Bastards: 4906, #2
Beyond3D: 2762, #9
Rage3D: 9328, #7
nVnews: 6666, #3
Driver Heaven: 5396, #6
RageUnderground: 3,000-ish? (I can't see the members there, I've been banned. :rolleyes: ), #2 behind Zar. (But he started cheating after a while just to stay ahead of me. ;) :LOL: )

Thanks for tolerating me here, and thank you very much for all the patience and edumacation y'all have given me. I really have gained a lot out of being here. :)

(Oh yeah, and before anyone shouts anything about "ego-cruising"...I KNOW it's ego-cruising! I've just had an awful run of Daddy days culminating in a rather long and awful day and I am just trying to balance out me bruised id.)
Ooh, I never even noticed, but I'm 12th. ^_^


Too bad I don't have much of a voice these days...
B&R said:
You can add mastabeta to that list really fast if you want.

Is that Roundhouse's old place? Was it re-opened? It's one forum I never did post at much, I hate spam just for spam's sake.

Tagrineth said:
Ooh, I never even noticed, but I'm 12th. ^_^


Too bad I don't have much of a voice these days...
That's the great thing about this place! It doesn't matter how much voice you have, it's much more about what you have to say. 8)
wait it says i'm 6th. I hope thats not true . I don't have much to say.

But I do know if there was a list of top 10 thread lockers I would be 1 by about 50000 threads
Well I will just start bitching and complaining like u do in every thread :)

ALl your lame pointless crying . Eh gays are people , martians should have rights too , The ozone layer is important , I can make spaghetti with my feet and should have been martha steward.

If i do that then I'm sure i will pull away from you again :)
How do you think you got such a huge lead over me? Now get back to your console forum ya little beeyatch and whine about your xdick being bigger than his psTool. ;)
Natoma said:
How do you think you got such a huge lead over me? Now get back to your console forum ya little beeyatch and whine about your xdick being bigger than his psTool. ;)

Please I just tend the story my friend. Tend the store .

I'm a pc junkie .

Why must you allways bash me you heterophob
So, do you guys have lives? I don't think I have over 100 posts in any forum I'm on, maybe computer people just post more....
The549 said:
So, do you guys have lives? I don't think I have over 100 posts in any forum I'm on, maybe computer people just post more....
WAY too much of a life actually, it's why I post. I tried therapy for a while, but the shrink fired me 'cause I scared her too much....posting up me problems for strangers to analyze and comment on is a lot funner and cheaper anyways. :)

Honest, I post just to give myself a life away from my real-world life...being a full-time Dad and keeping the family running/happy/loved can be a real nutcrusher at times, being Dig allows me to still feel like meself occasionally. :) (And if it wasn't for my virtual social life, I don't think I'd have one at all. )
I've only been here half as long as you guys... but I shall overcome that disability and spam like a madman.

(Dave, would you mind opening a forum that only I can post in so I can write a handy little Perl script to post the word "badger" every ten seconds? Thanks. :D )
Since message relevance isn't put into account, I can safely say this is stupid.

Sounds like "my penis is bigger than yours", but what should I have expected from our democraticaly elected village idiot ?!

Ingenu said:
Since message relevance isn't put into account, I can safely say this is stupid.

Sounds like "my penis is bigger than yours", but what should I have expected from our democraticaly elected village idiot ?!


