Someone please talk some sense in to me!!!

I've decided just to suck it up and keep what I have and be happy with it. Only one thing, it's sort of like that dilemma where for the magic carpet to fly you can't think of elephants....I can't stop thinking about how Bubbles has slowly but surely been downgraded several generations several times over the last year or so and this last hit is just making me want to weep when I think about it. I installed Need For Speed Underground yesterday just so I have a game that will run well on it. :(

I'm not asking for pity here, I'm seriously asking for advice on how to keep thinking about it from popping up in my head. I normally get distracted to the point of obsession when Bubbles is even slightly less than optimal, but I don't want to be a slave to such irrational emotions any longer.

So far I've done a lot of cooking, cleaning my kitchen, laundry, and I'm getting ready to vacuum and shampoo the living room carpets. Aside from becoming Felix instead of my usual Oscar wtf can I do to get it off my mind?!??
I can't decide if that's a joke about me or the state I live in, it works on so many levels! :D

I've decided to suck it up and just wait for my birthday and guilt my family in to getting me some upgrade goodies. I've been good this year, and I just gotta wait until the beginning of April. <sigh>
Bubbles has been and most probably will always be my computer. I've built at least 7 machines out of the parts I've replaced in her over the years, (decades?), and I'll build at least 7 more before I'm done.

She's my living embodiment of Theseus's paradox, and I love her for it. :love:
I disagree! I just have so many spectacular fails because I'm not afraid, (or lacking enough sense), of pushing the envelope and trying to pull off the insane. I'm bound to fail sometimes just by the law of averages, and when I do it's generally more extreme because I was trying to do something hard. :p

The computer gods do SO love me, and I love them right back!
It's only a terrible time to upgrade if you are dead set on AMD. Otherwise, with Kabby Lake coming out, it's a fairly decent time to get some Z170 discounts and not lose performance.
It'd be the Asrock, they're out of the Gigabyte at my store. (Chicago Westmont)

Also I'd have to get DDR4. :(

I can still get a 8320e and a nice 970 for $171
Are you overclocking? You'd also have to get a cooler unless your current one will fit. H170 chipsets will be able to reuse your DDR3 and you might not miss functionality except for overclocking, which would also make the 6600 cheaper (Non-K)