Some tips needed!

I wonder if someone knows any page that you can learn the VERY basics
in gamecreation. I wonder also if there is any FREEware/shareware programs that can get you started, something like 3dsmax/Adobe maybe but share or freeware
so you can learn the grounds.
Thank in advance.
What area are you looking to dive into first? Graphics (DirectX or OpenGL?), physics, sound/music, modeling, AI, artwork, animation, networking, input, file manipulation, toolset construction, database management... ? Have you done any general windows programming? Do you know C++ or do you need to start from scratch?

As for programs, Milkshape3D is a cheap 3D modeling program. You can download it for a free 30 day trial, then it's like $20 to register it. You can download a trial version of Paint Shop Pro 7 for 2D artwork. If you do any programming at all you'll want to invest in a copy of Visual C++ (might be able to pick up VSC++ 6.0 cheap somewhere now that .NET is out).
Mostly Art-designing and modelling. /dX i think.
And yeas SCRATCH!, more like a hobby :D

Some good tool that does that i can import objects etc.
Well i shell try it out then, thanks.

Just wondering why it´s so "dead" in here..
There many people around that could wrote some more in here etc!
@overclocked: I am on the same boat as you. I have been looking at learning game programming and graphics programming in general. Some for school and some because I think the subject is really cool. Anyways, Id like to know more of what youd like to do. Which might make it easier for me to recommend some sites to you.
