You lost me. I never once mentioned abortion in this thread. You did when you mentioned that the reason for being against abortion was the same as something in my reply to Joe. That's what I was trying to ask you. Let's back up. I said,
I am not sure why i lost you...
Legion wrote:
Same reason we allow for abortion but charge a man or a woman responsible for the death of an unborn child (when not related to the choice of the mother) with murder.
And what reason is that? Because the bible told them so? I'm not trying to be sarcastic here, I'm seriously trying to uncover the reasons why you're (you being the right, not necessarily you, Legion) against it.
Legion wrote:
Rather, how you interprit these things is what you are discussing. I doubt the framers of the constitution saw in the future an allowance of homosexual marriage.
And they foresaw semi-automatic rifles and shotguns being peddled on the streets? So conservatives can argue pro-gun by clinging to the constitution as if it's holy gospel but change the argument and all of a sudden the constitution is a living document? Shouldn't we work on keeping the same standards else we end up with relativism?
answer the two questions I asked? And if you intend it to, exactly which portion? All I asked for afterwards was, what reason is this?
I took your first statement to be refering to my first statement (after all you quoted it).
you stated
And what reason is that? Because the bible told them so? I'm not trying to be sarcastic here, I'm seriously trying to uncover the reasons why you're (you being the right, not necessarily you, Legion) against it.
to which i replied
Because it is the unecessary, and irresponsible termination of a human life. It is no different then murder, especially wrt to late term abortion. If we wish to categorize these individuals as being inhuman do to their state of development why not also categorize mentally disabeled people as inhuman and terminate them as well? Or how about children in general who haven't reached their full level of development? The only justifications for such reasoning are based on subjective conclusions based on relative beliefs of what it is to be human.
What do i have against murder? Is it wrong because the bible tells us so or is it wrong for other reasons?
I thought you were questioning my thoughts on abortion because, for the life of me i can't possibly think what else you would have been questioning of me (as the right).
I think murder meets the standards of an obvious negative impact to society. Are you trying to tell us that gay marriages meet that same standard? Plainly it's not as obvious since we're having this discussion so perhaps you mean the degree to which it can injure society. If so, then shouldn't all forms of homosexuality be criminalized lest society fall prey to any of those ills?
Really? That's what i am implying? Can't figure out where i stated that or lead you to believe that was what i was suggesting. Have i made any statement here or elsewhere that would lead you or anyone else to believe i am anti-gay marriage?
What i was pointing out was there is a level of double standards within society. We can hold one belief, while practices another which is wholely contradictory.
BTW- are you sure i am even straight?
Your question wrt banning firearms is irrelevant since we're talking about what the state recognizes (i.e. should the state recognize gay marriages) not what actually occurs (gays being together).
Its not irrelevant at all. It simply demonstrates the fallacious reasoning behind banning fire arms as a solution to illegal gun sales. Likewise, as i later pointed out, even antigun legislation has done little to curb the problems we are seeing.
And yet you have completely missed my point by talking about the trees and missing the forest. I was NOT arguing an anti-gun stance. Let me try again.
One of your lines of arguments against using the Constitution in support for gay rights wrt gay marriages was that you felt the framers could not have foreseen homosexual marriages. Therefore you are treating the Constitution as a living (i.e. mallaeable) document.
I wasn't missing anything. I was responding the rather bias driven comments concerning gun peddling as you saw it. I was also pointing out my doubts as to their willingness to change the amendment based on their capacity to forsee future events.
My argument concerning the constitution refered to the framers lack of forsight into the change of what we view as marriage. Do we know what their thoughts on marriage were or for that matter what it should be termed? Had they known about the change would they have strictly outlawed it? I can't say. However, this is hardly the point.
If you look back you will realize i likewise discussed the matter of existing anti gay marriage laws (if such exist) and their application to society. I also suggested these laws may be considered unjust. Hense i viewed the legal arguments (for and against) as strawmen.
Yet conservatives (those that traditionally oppose gay marriages) steadfastly refuse to acknowledge that the Constitution may be a living document when it comes to the second amendment.

You mean stereotypically.
They are perfectly capable of making a sound argument against the constitution being a "living document" in terms of the flexibility of its interpretation.
It says firearms, well fully automatic rifles are firearms so those shouldn't be outlawed. Waiting periods? Background checks? Those all get in the way of me enjoying my Constitutional right.
I am sure you could make a "sound" legal argument as well.
Why not? Do you have a problem with this?
Your argument that anti gay marriage advocacy is strictly a conservative issue shared amongst all who are termed conservative is in my mind prejudicial.
Got it? In other words, the line of argumentation changes depending on the situation (relativism).
No, in this case its completely irrelevant.
First off no one has to come up with a legal reason to object to homosexual marriage (this was partly my point before). Furthermore, if anti gay marriage laws existed they could be viewed as unjust. Hense i can not see the reason for anyone requiring some one to make a sound legal argument against homosexual marriage. What exactly does that include? At what point would it be considered sound? This whole matter seems to me like discussing the Jim Crow laws. Yes at one point they existed, but does their existance make them just? Not in any fashion.
Say for a moment the constitution defined marriage as that between a man and a woman only. So what? would that suddenly become a sound reason to legally object to homosexual marriage? Would that make the conclusion just?
You seem to have completely misunderstood what i have been saying. When i refered to the foresight of the constitutional framers i was simply suggesting, that from a legal standpoint, we can't be sure what they thought concerning the matter.
Err, conservatives have been known to fight tooth and nail against any gun laws. Am I wrong in my belief?

Completely assinine. Some conversatives have fought any gun law. Not all have. Most fight additional laws as their motive seems to be for better enforcement of existing ones.