So, what PS3 launch game will you get?


Now Officially a Top 10 Poster
I'm still pondering over this one. I'm sure I'll get Tekken and fl0w, and will download lots of demos, but if I buy one game with my PS3, I'll get a bluray movie tossed in for free.

So, what game should I buy? And which one are you going to get at launch?

Only 10 more days!

I'm thinking about Resistance, F1 (I have a wheel already), Motorstorm ... probably in that order (so I'll pick the first one that's available to me in the store at launch).
I recommend Resistance and Motorstorm. I'm not an F1 or VF5 kind of guy. The rest depend on whether you have other platforms and if the game runs better or is cheaper there.

Flow is nice and Tekkan 5 looks cool for $20.
I am so glad people are buying Resistance. :yes:

Start on "Hard" if you're a good FPS player and be patient. I started with the default difficulty. The first few levels are pretty/too easy.
R:FoM ramps up in difficulty, unlike many FPS. I finished in normal and certain parts kicked my ass over and over.
I'm not in EU, but If I had no ps3 already I would probably go for Resistance/Motorstorm/VF5. You can't go wrong with those imo, I've had a blast with them. Maybe Oblivion as well for the rpg fans.

As for downloadables, gripshift, blast factor, and calling all cars. :)
I'm looking at Resistance, Motorstorm, Fear. And probably Oblivion. My current PC just can't handle it, and there aren't so many interesting content mods IMO, so I might as well ignore the PC version's unique potential in that area and fully embrace the console.

Is Quake 4 coming out for the PS3?

I'm a little unsure where I'm supposed to buy the games though, as I have the displeasure of living in a country where certain amounts of in-game violence are deemed inadequate for 29-year-olds and tend to be replaced with irreversible cheap-ass localizations. In other words I'm going to get Motorstorm, wait for a little forum feedback, and then probably have most of the other games that interest me imported from the UK.

As the ultimate God Of War fanboy that I am, I'm very much looking forward to seeing how Heavenly Sword interprets the genre sometime later!

F1, FIFA and all that other real-world sports stuff does not interest me one iota.
Please everyone get Resistance! Even with it's high-ish reviews, I'd say it's an underrated game. It's lacking a bit of personality, but everything technically is spot-on. Super high quality game and I haven't met anyone who has anything but great things to say about it.

Other impressions:

Motorstorm- Many are enjoying this game but not all is roses! Read my scorn for it in the main thread. I must say again that the core game is awesome. It's just supported in an inexcusably anemic shell.

Formula 1- Awesome, amazing game. No console F1 game has ever been so involved and demanding. I can only reccomend it to hardcore driving fans, tho! It can be enjoyed casually, but if you don't really savor grinding out laps, you can't really get the most out of it. If you can stomach the idea of taking a break to ponder the camber qualites of turn 7 thru 9 before you go for another 20 practice laps, then you will get alot of mileage out of your dollars. Er.. or your rupees or your gil or whatever the **c* you people spend over there.

Virtua Fighter 5- The best fighitng game. Period. However, without the desire to get good, and without firends who also want to get good, it's pretty much useless. The single player is head an shoulders above any other fighter, but without human players to interact with it's just not enough.

Ridge Racer 5- I love it!!!!!! Please don't overlook it. There's alot of game here, it just happens to be very repetitive, in an old-school arcade sort of way. If you can, like me, get into the awesome music and sense of style, the snappy skill-based gameplay can entertain for hours. I consider it a sophisticated alternative to Burnout. Besides, it comes with Xevious!!

Flow- Not that I don't enjoy Flow now - but it makes me long for those bygone days of hardcore drug abuse....

GripShift- I find it tepid myself, but thruth be told I have found no pattern to people's reaction toward this game. Some loathe it and some do backflips. I'd sugest taking the chance just to support early independent development.

GTHD- It's free and it's awesome!

Blast Factor- A rather poor attempt to replicate 360's Geometry Wars. Kinda fun nonetheless. Don't forget the multiplayer options cost a few buck/rupees/gil extra.
Motorstorm for sure, not sure about Resistance actually - looked a bit bland to be honest. VF5 was great though.

Btw just got word that my pre-order should be secured, yesshh!
I won't get any :)

I'll first check the available demos and then judge from that.

Btw. what demos are currently available for download?
Blast Factor- A rather poor attempt to replicate 360's Geometry Wars. Kinda fun nonetheless. Don't forget the multiplayer options cost a few buck/rupees/gil extra.

I thought Blast Factor was better than Geo Wars overall. It has more depth and the multiplayer is kinda fun.

I'm not quite as vitriolic about Motorstorm as you... I like it a lot and it the interface before and after playing it didn't annoy me as much as it did you (although it is kind of "wtf" as to how little work they put into it compared to the actual game part). I didn't like RR7 (5?). I did quite like Gripshift though! Worth the cost of entry... fun little game. F1 isn't my style game, but it seems like it'd be fantastic for F1 fans. flOw is great. GTHD is great and free. VF5 is fantastic. Couldn't agree more about Resistance though.
I agree about Resistance 100%. It was underrated, it seemed only Gameinformer recognized it and scored it a tie with GoW for GotM. Resistance really is a great FPS, it has it all. Great story, varied locals and gameplay. Great multiplayer. People were just drooling over Gears production and packaging. I played and finished them back to back and I think R:FoM was more fun and I play it again with my three new unlocked weapons soon. I have no need to play Gears again unless it's co-op (which is great BTW). I think R:FoM would be a perfect 10/10 if it had on-line co-op.

I also want to get back and finish Black on the Xbox (via BC), it plays great even without a story.
I will definately buy Resistance:FOM. Can't wait for some wicked online frag-fests:D I've also been thinking about VF5 as my number two game, but I'm not 100% on that one yet.
Of course I'll download GTHD, flOw, Tekken and Calling all Cars and all demos available too;-)
Only 8 days to go now. . .

Any recommendations on other titles to get?
resistance - must have. if you're not a fan of FPS, then obviously don't bother. although, i have seen people who are not fans of FPS actually like resistance. there is a demo btw.

motorstorm - try the demo and youll fall in love. if not, don't buy it. its lacking content atm, but more tracks, cars and modes will be made available.

vf5 - don't have it, but if you have friends who enjoy fighting games, and you've enjoyed previous VF games, then this should not disappoint.

Tekken 5 DR - seems to be more of a button mashing fighting game. it costs considerably less than VF5, but it seems like it doesn't look as good as VF5.

F1CE - F1/racing fans seem to LOVE it, others seem to hate it. ask yourself where you fit.

GT:HD - get it, its free.

current demos off the top of my head are:
Full Auto 2
Ridge Racer 7
NBA 07
(Rumored) Def Jam Icon coming today (March 15th)
next week will be the big 1.6 update, and possibly more will be added.
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I've been considering Motorstorm too. While it seems grat fun online, I get the feeling of it beeing a little "empty" in single player. My friend has an import PS3 and I have played through a couple of levels.
Great graphics and feel and all, but if I'm bored with single player after finishing the game once, the online mode has to be awesome ala Resistance too be worth it IMO.

With the hardware priced at USD 978,- and one game at USD 100,-, I have to chose with care!!

I'll definately pick up the Hot Shots Golf 5 demo ASAP though:)
Resistance: Fall of Man
Genji: Days of the Blade
Enchanted Arms
Untold Legends - Dark Kingdom

But that's not my problem. My problem is to catch a PS3, I don't preordered one.