smoking goooood, jackhammers baaaaaad

MPI said:
Seatbelts? That should go. You don't hurt anybody but yourself not using it.

If you ever get involved in a serious car accident I'm sure you'd have a different perspective on the matter. To begin with, it's not unlikely that you actually hurt other people when you bounce around in the car at an elephant weight's pressure. Secondly, there's plain and simply no valid reason to not use the seatbelt. Thirdly, if you're killed in a car accident because you didn't wear a seatbelt, it doesn't matter how much it was your own fault, it's still going to hurt everyone that survived, particularly the driver will likely have to live with guilt feelings for the rest of his life.

An accident happens easily. I once flew off the road, silly mistake, two seconds later headlights meet stone and car was garbage. Fortunately, everyone had their belts on, and noone got seriously hurt. No amount of personal responsibility talk will convince me about the wisdom of leaving it up to everyone to decide when I very well know the consequences that would have followed if anyone wouldn't have had their belt on. I don't want to live the rest of my life knowing that had I just slowed down a little before the crossing my mom, brother or sister wouldn't have had to die. I'm damn happy I didn't have to go through anything such, it was hard enough to go through having my brother wearing necksupport for a couple of weeks and see my elderly mom who already had pains have to live with much increased pains for many months thereafter.

Simply put, use the friggin belt. If you don't you're a fucking idiot and deserve no driver's license.
Humus said:
If you ever get involved in a serious car accident I'm sure you'd have a different perspective on the matter. To begin with, it's not unlikely that you actually hurt other people when you bounce around in the car at an elephant weight's pressure. Secondly, there's plain and simply no valid reason to not use the seatbelt. Thirdly, if you're killed in a car accident because you didn't wear a seatbelt, it doesn't matter how much it was your own fault, it's still going to hurt everyone that survived, particularly the driver will likely have to live with guilt feelings for the rest of his life.

An accident happens easily. I once flew off the road, silly mistake, two seconds later headlights meet stone and car was garbage. Fortunately, everyone had their belts on, and noone got seriously hurt. No amount of personal responsibility talk will convince me about the wisdom of leaving it up to everyone to decide when I very well know the consequences that would have followed if anyone wouldn't have had their belt on. I don't want to live the rest of my life knowing that had I just slowed down a little before the crossing my mom, brother or sister wouldn't have had to die. I'm damn happy I didn't have to go through anything such, it was hard enough to go through having my brother wearing necksupport for a couple of weeks and see my elderly mom who already had pains have to live with much increased pains for many months thereafter.

Simply put, use the friggin belt. If you don't you're a fucking idiot and deserve no driver's license.
Then that would be YOUR personal responsibility - don't drive if you arent comfortable with it: IE, if your passengers aren't wearing seatbelts.

I'm damn sick and tired of being told a list of hundreds of things i cannot do because it MIGHT hurt me. *insert Dennis Leary rant here*
Paul said:
jvd said:
I want weed to be legal.


Yea.... I could use some good Dank.

i hate having to make a 3 hour trip once a year for my stash ! it be nice if my father and i can grow our own trees. put them right next to cranberry tree.
Humus said:
MPI said:
Seatbelts? That should go. You don't hurt anybody but yourself not using it.

If you ever get involved in a serious car accident I'm sure you'd have a different perspective on the matter. [...] Simply put, use the friggin belt. If you don't you're a fucking idiot and deserve no driver's license.

Swing and a miss, jackass...

I always wear seatbelt and, yes, I have been in quite a serious car accident. That, however doesn't make me a fucking selfrighteous prick.
MPI said:
Seatbelts? That should go. You don't hurt anybody but yourself not using it.

I don't know where you live, but here in the UK, if you have an accident you get treated for free by the National Health Service. If you were in an accident while not wearing a seatbelt would they be justified in not treating you? Or conversely, is it a just law to protect tax payers money?

Another thing to consider is that while you are in hospital using its resources, someone else may not be able to because you're occupying the bed.
Roger Kohli said:
MPI said:
Seatbelts? That should go. You don't hurt anybody but yourself not using it.

I don't know where you live, but here in the UK, if you have an accident you get treated for free by the National Health Service. If you were in an accident while not wearing a seatbelt would they be justified in not treating you? Or conversely, is it a just law to protect tax payers money?

Another thing to consider is that while you are in hospital using its resources, someone else may not be able to because you're occupying the bed.

I know this has nothing to do witht he topic, but your post reminded me of the state of NHS hospitals here in the UK and all i can say is THANK GOD i've got Bupa private medical insurance...
MPI said:
Seatbelts? That should go. You don't hurt anybody but yourself not using it.
For example, if you don't wear a seatbelt in the back seat of a car and there is a head on accident, you are likely to kill someone in the front seat as you head smashes into theirs.
MPI, take a deep breath. You're way out of line with your offensiveness.
Humus didn't say that you (=MPI) were an idiot. The way he wrote it was much more in a "you" = "anyone who don't use a seatbelt" way. So he didn't even take a swing at you.

Roger Kohli:
I was thinking about the exact same thing. Maybe we should let people use seatbelt if they want to, but make it very clear that they are on their own if they get hurt because of it.

I've got similar thought about laws on bicycle helmets. And in that case it would be a risk I would be willing to make when taking the bike to work. There's talk about making it unlawful to ride a bike without a helmet here in Sweden. The most likely result would be that people stop riding bikes, and take the car instead. :rolleyes:
MPI said:
I always wear seatbelt and, yes, I have been in quite a serious car accident. That, however doesn't make me a fucking selfrighteous prick.

So you think it's OK to jack up everybody else's insurance rates because you were too much of an overgrown petulant child to wear your seatbelt?

Seriously, why would anyone NOT want to wear one's seatbelt? Even as low as 50km/h it's impossible to "hold back" using one's arms. At 70 your head goes smack in the windshield causing concussion, possibly brain damage, hemorrhage and/or cracked skull. Much faster than that and you'll go straight through, which is likely to be fatal.

"It's my life, I'll do whatever I like with it" is not a valid reason if you're going to be driving vehicles amongst other people on public roads. Then it's your mother-fucking duty to follow the rules and buckle up. You wanna be a whining child and be without safety measures in case shit happens you go skydiving or mountain climbing or such.
What about a law that makes it possible for society to protect unborn children from their dumbass mothers? I think that would be a good idea...
Yeah, like, ban abortion......oh.. wait a second...oops!
Althornin said:
Then that would be YOUR personal responsibility - don't drive if you arent comfortable with it: IE, if your passengers aren't wearing seatbelts.

I'm damn sick and tired of being told a list of hundreds of things i cannot do because it MIGHT hurt me. *insert Dennis Leary rant here*

It might hurt you, your passangers, people in the other car, and cause life long pains to survivors and high cost to society. Anyone who doesn't understand why you have to have the seatbelt on isn't mature enough to use a vehicle and should not be egliable for a driver's license.

Why don't we apply this glorious personal responsibility idea to flights as well? You're free to choose your air carrier too, so why have the mandatory engine and steering control and why have laws prohibiting taking off without an entirely full tank? Why don't we just let people decide for themselves if they want to travel with an airline with proper safety procedures and let people who don't think safety is important opt for another airline that simply skip all that to cut costs?

I don't see the problem with requiring such a basic safety procedure as putting your seatbelt on for travel by car.
Guden Oden said:
So you think it's OK to jack up everybody else's insurance rates because you were too much of an overgrown petulant child to wear your seatbelt?

Wtf has someone _elses_ insurance to do with _me_?? If I get seriously hurt because I don't wear seatbelts, someone else's insurance isn't likely to bother me, cause I'm in the _fucking hospital_.

Seriously, why would anyone NOT want to wear one's seatbelt? Even as low as 50km/h it's impossible to "hold back" using one's arms. At 70 your head goes smack in the windshield causing concussion, possibly brain damage, hemorrhage and/or cracked skull. Much faster than that and you'll go straight through, which is likely to be fatal.

Yes. That's why I wear seatbelts. I even happen to think that it is downright stupid to not wear seatbelts, but at least I recognize it's a choice everybody has to make for themselves. Just like most things in life, like smoking for instance. I think it's unhealthy(and a filthy habit) to smoke and therefore I don't do it, but it _is_ a choice everybody makes for themselves, right? What is it that makes you have a law on wearing seatbelts, but (I presume)not on smoking?

"It's my life, I'll do whatever I like with it" is not a valid reason if you're going to be driving vehicles amongst other people on public roads. Then it's your mother-fucking duty to follow the rules and buckle up. You wanna be a whining child and be without safety measures in case shit happens you go skydiving or mountain climbing or such.

If you weren't such a twit, you'd see that you muddle everything up. First I bring up _one_ law which mainly concerns _yourself_ and _your_ safety, and now you're ranting off with "amongst other people" and "follow the rules" trying to paint the argument as it had something to do with traffic laws as a whole.

"It's my life, I'll do whatever I want with it" is _always_ valid, if it doesn't involve hurting somebody else.

Why don't we ban skydiving and mountain climbing, btw?
Roger Kohli said:
MPI said:
Seatbelts? That should go. You don't hurt anybody but yourself not using it.

I don't know where you live, but here in the UK, if you have an accident you get treated for free by the National Health Service. If you were in an accident while not wearing a seatbelt would they be justified in not treating you? Or conversely, is it a just law to protect tax payers money?

Another thing to consider is that while you are in hospital using its resources, someone else may not be able to because you're occupying the bed.

Ah, I'm in Sweden, so naturally this old argument comes up here aswell whenever discussions about personal responsibility arises. I tell you, a better argument against national public healthcare than this doesn't exist, and I'm a Social Democrat!

So if we develop this argument further and apply it to, ...say smokers. If you smoke, should the NHS treat you for lungcancer? If you eat too much fatty crap, should they spring for your heart by-pass? If you play football on the weekends, should they treat your shot knee? Drawn to the extreme wouldn't any injury or illness that can be construed as self-inflicted be illegible for treatment? The whole line of reasoning turns my stomach, and I've come to the conclusion that if national public healthcare must exist(and I think it should), they _absolutely must_ give fuck all about how you received your injury/illness.
MPI said:
Yes. That's why I wear seatbelts. I even happen to think that it is downright stupid to not wear seatbelts, but at least I recognize it's a choice everybody has to make for themselves. Just like most things in life, like smoking for instance. I think it's unhealthy(and a filthy habit) to smoke and therefore I don't do it, but it _is_ a choice everybody makes for themselves, right? What is it that makes you have a law on wearing seatbelts, but (I presume)not on smoking?

Not wearing seatbelts can be dangerous to others, and it's a waste of health care resources when accidents strike. The same logic applies for drugs like heroin and amphetamine.

About smoking, at least in Taiwan there is a smoking ban on public area (except those area designed for smokers), because the second-hand smoking can kill other people. If you want to kill yourself, please do it at home. I personally like to see smoking banned universally, but it's just too unrealistic, just like banning alcohol (or even harder).