SLI GPUs "not even scratching the surface" of PS3

Dreamcast (1998) surpassed Voodoo2 SLI (1998) so it should be expected that PS3 (2006) should easily surpass
GeForce 6800u SLI (2004-2005)

PS3 GPU is NV5x, or whatever Nvidia's next-gen architecture is, and probably a very powerful implementation of that architecture.

6800u SLI is just 2x NV4x
It's a new generation of hardware, so if you look at say NV30 vs. NV40 that gives you an idea of what to expect (a 6800 SLI rig gives the wrong impression, there's some inherent disadvantages to SLI and it's not the kind of thing you'll see in PS3). There's still some confusion about what exactly Nvidias next-generation is though. I think G70 is a sort of refresh of NV40, and G80 is the "true" next generation. That could be wrong though, who knows.

One thing to remember is that cutting edge PC technology doesn't really ever have software developed for it, so even when their comes a time when a PCs graphics sub-system is roughly on par with a PS3, PS3 games are still going to be much nicer because the software will really be able to fully exploit the hardware. Even a "lowly" Geforce 6600 isn't pushed to anywhere near it's limits by todays PC games, forget a SLI 6800 Ultra setup.
Hype, hype and more hype. More powerful than two 6800's - quite possible, but "not even scratching the surface" - get real m8 8)
Perhaps they weren't speaking in avenues of "brute strength". In brute strength (pixel fill rate, polys [ ? ], etc.) it's only apparently a little more than 2x performance of a Geforce6800 Ultra. Perhaps it's not the power that's being referred to at all, but hardware subtleties native precisely to this hardware (who knows.... maybe easy, usable HOS support, or something to exploit over-all poly draw quantities... I soooo hate instancing). Maybe it's a reference to something native to this hardware that gives it a direct, and dramatic advantage (visually) over other hardwares of similar design. (I have the words in my head, but it's really late here.)

By the way, AFAICR, the quote doesn't come directly from PSM, but from a "developer". Sounds considerably more than fishy. Always does when it comes from a "developer". Sounds even more odd because the quote is a month or two old I hear, and even now there aren't any final RSXs to go by... so what about then?


When talking about "brute-force" and so on many seems too missing the point that this will be a closed enviroment system and underestemating the specs for the Nexgen.
I think i said this before but if you would taken/just as an example a GF6600GT/6800NU coupled that with a A643000+ and 256MB of slower ram say 900Mhz im sure you would have a HELL of a sytem IMHO. These NextGen is more than ENOUGH power, just look back at last gen to see. And now there actually even more difference as the CPU´s is extremely powerful compared.