Simple questions about the Universe/cosmology

Just found out what Stephen said on the "Hawking Paradox" documentary. According to this doc. had Stephen been originally right it would've put the whole of physics in doubt, information loss would simply undo the foundations of physics(as I would expect for information, as I see it, must be indestructible at its most fundamental level logically.). According to them the proof that was given by another individual proving information is not loss concerns the blackhole's event horizon, all of an observers/object's information is smeared across despite the observer not feeling anything special while going through(which would mean the future information of what would occur to the object within the blackhole would've to be present and made available before it occurs.).

Hawkings' said this was wrong, but that information was preserved nonetheless, he invoked parallel universes(what I got was essentially the blackholes in some region of space are not present in other alternate universes, and it is there that information remains preserved, or something like that.). He's working on a proof right now that he'll present at a later date.