Silent Hill : Downpour !!!! horror tries a comeback !

New info and a title has emerged for the new Silent Hill game. The game is called Silent Hill : Downpour and water or rain is supposedly going to play a major part in it.

Silent Hill 8, originally announced and trailered at E3 2010, has had a title change. The game, in development at Vatra Games and set to arrive later this year, has been officially titled Silent Hill: Downpour. The latest issue of Game Informer has a new preview on the title.

The demo shown to the magazine took place in the outskirts of Silent Hill. Apparently, the town is so large that the developers implemented a subway system for players to travel between points. The area explored in Downpour is the southeastern part of Silent Hill seen on maps, but never explored, in past games. Locations such as schools and hospitals will not return.

There will be various side-quests for the player to take on.

On combat, players can avoid fights when it’s possible (run, scaredy cat, run). Boss battles, on the other hand, aren’t avoidable and will enforce quick-time events when needed. Weapons used against enemies will weaken and break; there is no weapon inventory.

As the title may have suggested, water plays a huge role in Downpour. It’ll be to the game what ice and snow were to Silent Hill: Shattered Memories

Here's the trailer for those who haven't watched it yet!
Since a demo was shown,we might expect some gameplay soon. Hope Yamaoka is in, and please make me a Sh2 again !

But if it rains in Sh: Downpour, how can there be the perennial fog? :unsure:
Wouldn't it be great if its Alan Wake GFX+ Silent Hill story n gameplay. It'll ROCK !!
BTW, the scans of the GI article are out there (Hint: Helldescent). i haven't read it yet, but the screens seem to be good !
Since a demo was shown,we might expect some gameplay soon. Hope Yamaoka is in, and please make me a Sh2 again !
Yamaoka was in a couple of SH games after part 4 - and it couldnt turn them into something good :cry:

Anyway it doesnt sound half bad - breaking weapons and beeing able to run from foes (hopefully even have to consider it heavily) certainly is more promising than saying "you are an ex-army guy and we really made it easier to cut down the evil hordes".

Though traveling through subway? will you piloting your own train?
The whole series revolves around that girl.

Only 1 and 3 revolved around her and that ended at three so she (just like pyramid head from 2) should no long ever make an appearance as all matters involving her were finished at the end of 3.

Nothing after 4 is really canon either as the people who originally made the game stopped making it. You shouldn't compare any Silent Hill game made in the last 5 years to the originals. They have nothing to with one another aside from the name.
I want this to be good, but I don't have a lot of faith in it. Not as long as it isn't made by the original team. I'm not sure why they are still making Silent Hill games. HD remakes of the first 4 games would be much more interesting to me, especially if it included the soundtracks.
He he ! Seems like I don't know a major character in the series ;) ! I have played SH 2 and 4 ! I do have SH3 on PC but haven't played it yet, though The initial part seemed to hint that it might be the best of them all.
It would be better if you guys just tell me. I have watched the movie, was it the little girl who gets lost and becomes that abomination ? I forget names of Movie characters pretty soon , its the game characters that hold on for longer !
He he ! Seems like I don't know a major character in the series ;) ! I have played SH 2 and 4 ! I do have SH3 on PC but haven't played it yet, though The initial part seemed to hint that it might be the best of them all.
It would be better if you guys just tell me. I have watched the movie, was it the little girl who gets lost and becomes that abomination ? I forget names of Movie characters pretty soon , its the game characters that hold on for longer !

The Movie has nothing to do with the games. It took a lot of various content from 1 and 2 but that was it. The rest just distorted and butchered the plot.

You should play SH1 before you play SH3 or you will be missing out on a lot.
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Gone with the working title of Silent Hill 8; Silent Hill: Downpour has been revealed to be the latest entry in the horror series. Newcomer developer Vatra aims to make this title new, but stick true to classic Silent Hill formula. Game Informer has had exclusive time with a demo of the title, and their February issue contains a 5 page article filled with info. We have summed up the new gameplay features in Silent Hill: Downpour below. Hit the jump for the full list.

.Obvious and subtle gameplay choices affect the story.

.The game has fixed camera angles like the original Silent Hill titles.

.Water is a huge part of gameplay and ‘otherworld’ transitions.

.Enemy chase scenes similar to Silent Hill: Shattered Memories return.

.The ability to look over your shoulder and knock down objects to slow enemies returns from Silent Hill: Shattered Memories.

.Real time level changes.

.Puzzle difficulty returns.

.Clothing changes.

.No weapon inventory.

.Combat is similar to the classic titles, but with an Origins-like limited weapon durability.

.Weapons range from everyday items to small arms.

.Damage is indicated by bloody clothes.

.Two enemies revealed: The Creeper and The Screamer.

.Boss battles contain Quick-Time-Events.

.Weapon specific paths return from Silent Hill: Homecoming.

.Silent Hill’s subway can be used to travel around town.

.The map is very large.

.About 10 hour campaign.

.Multiple side-quests.

.No returning location themes (Hospital, school)

.Time of day shifts (Real time not confirmed)

Info gathered from the GI article!
Fixed camera angles?

I've clocked every SH game appart from Shattered Memories and dont really remember the camera being too fixed.

As long as the camera is similar to SH2 at the least, I'll be happy.

..also the series better have more "survival horror" than action like SH1/SH2/SH3 and Shattered Memories (apparently).
I finished this over the weekend on the PS3. It's a good game, and a very good Silent Hill game for that matter. It really hits most of the right notes: the protagonist is interesting, the story is engaging, well written, well delivered, and unusually mature for a video game (think SH2, albeit with vastly superior acting). The town itself is well rendered, and while it's not exactly an open-world environment, it does a decent enough job hiding (or making you believe in) its boundaries.
One of the best additions to the franchise comes in the form of the many side-quests. While they are completely unrelated to the story, and rarely reward the player in traditional, meaningful ways, they are nonetheless very interesting, well presented Silent Hill short stories, and completing them is rewarding enough in and on itself. You may have to assume the role of a projectionist at the Silent Hill movie theater, subsequently entering the movie itself through the screen, or you may be asked with the punishment of a murderous husband's ghostly remains. Another task sends you on a search for the "Telltale Heart" by following its ominous beat in a labyrinthean cellar. It's all really good stuff, and there is quite a lot of it.
The Otherworld is very well done as well. Unlike in the previous games you don't have to comb bloddy and rusty versions of the same locations for clues. The otherworld here is much further removed from reality in fact. It's far more trippy, largely linear, and comes across more like a nightmarish assortment of set-pieces. Each visit to the Otherworld also comes with a chase sequence where you have to outrun a strage. all-devouring, formless entity. It's pretty exhilerating the first time it happens, but since it's being repeated with subsequent visit, it quickly loses its appeal. Still, it's not too bad, and generally too short-lived to really become a nuissance.

There are a couple unfortunate down sides though.The monster design is weak. It's a far cry from the unsettling creatures depicted in the other Silent Hill games, and more reminiscent of something out of a Hellraiser movie. To make matters worse, there's a grand total of just 4 enemy types throughout the entire game, and it's quite a long game. Just like the enemies themselves, the entire combat aspect feels more like an afterthought than a proper feature. Most of the times it's not a big deal since you can easily outrun all of the creatures in the streets of Silent Hill, but there are situations where you probaby want to clear an area out to get on with the puzzle solving uninterrupted, and that's when the clunky combat becomes a real drag. Murphy Pendleton may be the most hapless protagonist in any Silent Hill game as of yet, and this will assuredly piss you off something fierce once you reach the final stretch of the game. (little word of advice: don't bother hoarding items. Any of them)

And now on to the turd in the punch bowl: technically the game is a complete mess. It starts off okay enough. The dreaded UE3 texture loading issues are ever prevalent, but the low light environments and the oppressive fog do a relatively good job at hiding the issue. Once you actually reach the town it all goes to shit unfortunately. The game is constantly streaming in whatever it is it needs to stream in (given the repetitve nature of textures, assets and the near non-existent draw distance of the game, I don't really know what exactly that could be), and the result of that is a near constant stuttering. It also seems to get worse the longer you play. Apparently the game stores all the not-quite-worn-out weapons you chose to replace with fresh ones in memory, and that stuff really adds up over time. It's the Skyrim of UE3 games, and it can get downright nauseating.
It's really unfortunate, because there's a really cool game buried under the technical mess here.
Still, I certainly enjoyed it. There's just nothing else out there quite like it.

Oh, and the camera is of the classic, controllable third person kind. There are a couple of spots with fixed angles, but they are rare, and strictly used in non-combat situations.
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