Fafalada said:I figure DeanoC could better answer that question for SH2 specifically, given his inside knowledge?marconelly! said:That's another thing I was going to ask you. Load times in SH2 were really short between the rooms: 3, 4, 5 seconds or so. What do you think it loads during that time? It obviously doesn't replace the whole 32MBs of memory...
I'll try, SH2 streams alot of data using a multi-threaded IO loader. All data is pre-processed into the target platform format, so its mainly actual disk time your seeing. No code is loaded per level/room just graphics data. Faf's assumptions are about right, it trys to keep characters in memory (XBox and PC also hold some other objects always loaded). Things like enviroment map aren't loaded every time.
marconelly! said:I thought the game might be released one day on PC, much like SH2 did (after all, SH3 trailer was on the SH2 PC disk) but the screens released so far are all obviously from the PS2 version. For example, you can spot vertex lighting in places, which PC version of SH2 didn't have. Konami often releases high res screens of their PS2 games, that is nothing new. What really interests me is if there is going to be an Xbox version, especially after all the claims from Konami that they will not develop any more for it (in Japan, that is). I'd hate to buy a game that comes out sooner, only to find out few months later that the version for Xbox is coming, and will have additional scenarios or something like that.It was trying to give a subtle hint about there probably are non-PS2 versions of SH3
As of six months ago, there were early proof of concepts on several platforms, whether they will ever be made I can't say.
Actually SH2 does use vertex lighting in some places(all versions including XBox and PC). I'm glad you can't notice the vertex lighting on the PC version, but we use it I assure you.
The game basically has 2 types of objects, the world enviroment and characters (though its used for lots of things that aren't 'characters' (like cars) ). The world uses a complex pixel shader light model where availible (XBox and decent PC's), it has per-pixel specular exponent, per-pixel spot-light and a few other goodies. The characters have a different specular (env map style) but no per-pixel lighting, all lighting is done via vertex lighting (vertex shader if you have hardware or fixed function if your don't)
All characters on all versions use vertex lighting. If you look very closely at the enemys at the edge of the spot-light, you will notice it 'pop' the same on all 3 versions.