Silent hill 3 WTF!!!

Lazy, Renderware, which isn't exactly known for it's amazing efficiency, is already doing that with the Grand Theft Auto Series. It's hardly anything amazing - what Shenmue is though, is a polished, well thought out game, but nothing amazing.

BoddoZerg said:
Its every bit as much crap as proclaiming Britney Spears great art on the same level as Mozart.

Buddy, anyone that can make 10lbs of plastic and silicon move like that - I'd consider an artist. ;) (just trying to inject some humor... oh well)

Seriously, though.. I can't agree more with you on Video Games. My kid isn't going to see a Video Game or PC until he's 31. Our society is way to dependent upon electronic education, communications and entertainment and it shows; but alas.. I'm just 'backward'
No, videogames are clearly headed toward increasing sophistication, and perhaps some day they will be worthy of the title "art". It's just that right now the potential for interactivity is laughable, as CPU limited as we are.

Why aren't there any great painters from 10,000 B.C.? How come you don't see any great silent movies from the 19th century? The answer is obvious - technology. People of 10,000 years ago made drawings - but they were crude images made with low quality dyes or etchings scratched out in stone walls. The technology to make a painting into a work of art was not yet available; surely there were cavemen with the potential artistic talent, but at best their creations were crude, limited by their materials. There were moving pictures in the 19th century - but they were tiny, jerky, and limited to a few minutes in length; there simply was no potential for artistic storytelling through them. A silent movie can be a work of art, but not when it's a tiny-screened, 2-minute strip of film.

In terms of expression through the creation of virtual worlds, we are in the same state now as caveman painters in 10,000 B.C., or filmmakers circa 1890. The technology to express emotion and creativity is simply not there. Just look at computer gaming AI. No matter how hard the developer tries, they behave totally fake. Human players quickly pick up on the quirks and inconsistencies of programmed AI, giving the lie to the illusion and showing the ugly, boolean-governed heart of computer logic. No one will ever mistake a FPS bot player for a human player, let alone believe a computer-controlled NPC to be a living entity. The interactivity of worlds is terribly stunted and minimal. And that's because we are limited by our technology. The most powerful CPUs in the world cannot realistically simulate a living being, let alone thousands of them interacting in a virtual world.

Yet, who knows what the future will hold? In 20, 30, maybe 50 years, we might be seeing amazing works of art through computer-generated imagery and truly interactive, immersive, imaginative worlds. But to extol current-day computer games, hobbled by the limitations of memory, processing power, and graphics card, to extol these things as "art" is an exercise in self-deception.
True art has longevity. Video game "art" does not.
How can you say that in 100 years people will not look back and admire todays games for what they were? Perhaps as a some kind of retro art form? Even today, I've even seen several instalations selling for insane amounts of money that constituted of hacked Super Mario ROMs that loop clouds and other graphics tiles over and over.

Best looking 2D games certainly look as good today as they were looking back then. I dare to say that today's best looking 3D games will remain their beauty even when something technologically more complex emerges. I find it hard to imagine that art direction in Ico or Rez, and their visuals, will disgust me in ten years. And I'm usually very good in judgements of that kind.
The technology to express emotion and creativity is simply not there.
How can you say this after playing Ico? Seriously? If that game has not evoke any kind of emotion from you, I don't see how any film could. I know several people who think absolutely the same about the game, starting with my wife, so it's not just the geeky me who thinks that.

ow come you don't see any great silent movies from the 19th century?
Battleship Potemkin (1925) is just as crude, jerky and technologically bound as the 19th century movies but is widely regarded as a work of art. It simply took someone with a vision to use that crude technology in a meaningful way.
Well BoddoZerg, you do have an interesting point of view on things, however the main thing to keep in mind is that the term 'art' is one of the most ambiguous terms in society.

The definition of art is anything created by humanity..and well, everything around you can be classified as art in reality. The keyboard, mouse and monitor you are using right now to view this board were all DESIGNED and created by an individual. Clearly when looking at anything and paying attention to it, you can see that it can all be looked at as art. The shape of a spoon, the curvature and design on a plate, it really doesn't matter. Technology isn't what determines art, its human perception. What one may consider junk is another man's treasure.
SCANS from a german magazine! It shows the new monster (fat one), the weapons you can use and more of the beatufil and sick environments of this amazing game! 8)

These are really the best graphics I Have ever seen on the PS2! The magazine also says that the makers have based the art of this game on the Japanese version of The Ring which I recommend to see in the cinema.

The new fat monster is really well done! This game will be another exclusive AAA title for the PS2 library!






PS: If you think the scans are too big I wil just put the url to the screens.
Phil said:
Simply amazing.... :oops: It's quite amazing to see this running on the PS2.. 8)

definately..... looks absolutely amazing. only thing thats missing is progressive scan. if they put that i'll be the happiest boy alive.
How different is this from the OLD MAN demo from Square ??

It seems we are just getting precomputed cutscenes of this caliber.
That's astounding for a PS2 game, or any console game for that matter. :oops:

Albeit, the backgrounds in these high-detail close-ups always tend to look drab..
Albeit, the backgrounds in these high-detail close-ups always tend to look drab..
Keep in mind that they probably blur backgrounds using depth of field when they focus on a character. MGS2 did that all that time in it's cut scenes.