Signs that You've Overdosed on The World Wide Web


B3D Yoddha
1) When you read a magazine, you have an irresistible urge to click on the underlined passages.

2) Your opening chat-up line is: "So, what's your homepage address?"

3) You see a beautiful sunset, and you half-expect to see "Enhanced for Netscape 4.0" on one of the clouds.

4) You are overcome with disbelief, anger, and finally depressed acceptance when you encounter a Webpage with no links.

5) Your cat has his own webpage.

6) So does your gold fish.

7) One of your best friends is Mirsky2001, and you've never met him/her.

8) You are driving on a dark and rainy night when you hydroplane on a puddle, sending your car careening towards the flimsy guardrail that separates you the precipice of a rocky cliff and certain death, and you desperately look for the "Back" button.

9) You visit "The Really Big Button That Doesn't Do Anything" again and again and again.

10) You felt driven to consult the "Shockwave Daily Jigsaw" on your wedding day.

11) while talking to your friends instead of laughing at a joke you say "lol!"
Haha, I do that last one all the time.

Interestingly enough, I never say "lol" on the internet, note the "Haha" above. :LOL:
I read in some other (WoW, probably) forum some guy who described his friend/acquaintance with the derogatory words that the guy uttered "lol" as a word first, before laughing at something. That's creepy. That someone would literally say lol, and then laugh.

Man, I wonder what the kids growing up today will look like as retired. We're doomed. We're all doomed...
Tell me about it....

I've chased the e-dragon so long, it's finally just turned around and started trying to sell me cheap meds and porn. :rolleyes:

imho, you know you're iTerminal when goatse is so ingrained into your soul you consider actually trying it... and you go online to find a support group.
12. When you're looking for something in a paper or book, your first action is to desperately search for Strg-F...