Shouldn't the X1's game store be full of PC games?

didnt mark cerny said porting pc games should take a month or 2 for PS4? They can consider bringing some of the PC classics like Return of Castle Wolfenstien, Max Payne 1-2, System shock 2, deux ex 1-2 etc over to PSN for 5-15 bucks or same price as GOG. The system should be powerful enough to run those games in 1080p 60 fps even without lots of optimization.
I guess it depends on the size of the team doing the port. It'd be an interesting experiment to see if you could break even but I definitely wouldn't put my money to back such a venture. I get the impression that nostalgia gaming isn't a big money spinner and certainly the limited install bases of both PS4 and Xbox One will limit sales for a while.
Wouldn't Xbox one just be another config for the software to check?

I'm not sure about the underlying OS of Xbox One, but I'd be surprised if it has full implementation of Win32 API. So you'll have to modify those parts which use unsupported or restricted APIs in those games. For example, most games simply write their save data to a file (or files), sometimes in very weird location. Microsoft did try to make some "standard" folders for games to write their save data, but not many games actually follow the guideline. Obviously you can't allow games on a console to write files in arbitrary locations, so you'll need at least a sandbox (but most likely a virtual machine) to be able to run a game written for Windows on Xbox One.
i only game on console or mobile. i only use pc's for work.

So you want the XB1 to be a dumping ground for unoptimized PC wares? Don’t even think for a second MS will entertain the idea of optimizing these wares for the Jaguar CPU, let alone the 32MB of eSRAM.
So you want the XB1 to be a dumping ground for unoptimized PC wares? Don’t even think for a second MS will entertain the idea of optimizing these wares for the Jaguar CPU, let alone the 32MB of eSRAM.

No sir. Im sure there are games which dont necessarily have to be highly optimized. like Lara Croft Guardians of light for example.

Diablo 3.. etc
So you want the XB1 to be a dumping ground for unoptimized PC wares? Don’t even think for a second MS will entertain the idea of optimizing these wares for the Jaguar CPU, let alone the 32MB of eSRAM.

There are games from the 80s to the mid 2000s that can run perfectly fine on a jaguar cpu .

I don't think they would need much optimization to run.
I'm not sure about the underlying OS of Xbox One, but I'd be surprised if it has full implementation of Win32 API. So you'll have to modify those parts which use unsupported or restricted APIs in those games. For example, most games simply write their save data to a file (or files), sometimes in very weird location. Microsoft did try to make some "standard" folders for games to write their save data, but not many games actually follow the guideline. Obviously you can't allow games on a console to write files in arbitrary locations, so you'll need at least a sandbox (but most likely a virtual machine) to be able to run a game written for Windows on Xbox One.

Ya bottom line is, each developer would have to go in, modify their codebase, run through QA, submit to MS, pass certification etc...

I imagine the team in charge of that sort of thing is extremely busy, and couldn't handle the huge push of new PC titles.

The returns would not be that great either, as many of the titles would not run well, or not work well with a controller. Also, they would all be previously released titles, so not going to drive huge sales or anything.

The marketing story also has potential to be very poor, if the XBOne isn't powerful enough to play some game from 4 yrs ago, all of a sudden it's a big news story about how underpowered the console it.

There's a lot of reasons not to do this, and very few reasons to do it.