Should I?


A friend of mine and his ex-gf went separate ways just a week ago after some 5+ years relationship. Now the problem is, she wants to sleep with me (well, I knew it for some time, but now she was open about it). I'd actually like to sleep with her as well (she's VERY sexy) but I'm kinda torn between the feelings I have for my friend and my little friend's "GO FOR IT, DUMBASS!" calls. As far as I'm concerned, it won't happen after all. But what would you guys do in such situation?

I'm avoiding her atm since my instincts tend to prevail when I'm tempted for too long... :oops:
_xxx_ said:
A friend of mine and his ex-gf went separate ways just a week ago after some 5+ years relationship. Now the problem is, she wants to sleep with me (well, I knew it for some time, but now she was open about it). I'd actually like to sleep with her as well (she's VERY sexy) but I'm kinda torn between the feelings I have for my friend and my little friend's "GO FOR IT, DUMBASS!" calls. As far as I'm concerned, it won't happen after all. But what would you guys do in such situation?

I'm avoiding her atm since my instincts tend to prevail when I'm tempted for too long... :oops:

:oops: ;)

I'd say GO FOR IT DUMBASS. She's a free agent now, so nothing is stopping you or her doing what you please. ;)
He's one of the best friends I've ever had. I assume he wouldn't be angry or such, rather sad/disappointed. Probably he would hate _her_ for that.

If I would do it I'd surely keep it private, though.
_xxx_ said:
He's one of the best friends I've ever had. I assume he wouldn't be angry or such, rather sad/disappointed. Probably he would hate _her_ for that.

If I would do it I'd surely keep it private, though.

Well if he's a best friend kind of friend, then maybe you should drop the hint prior to doing anything, just so you know what he thinks about the possibility that you might one day get a ride out of his ex.
I have and he said "Feel free to do anything", but his eyes had that expression, know what I'm talking about?

What I said to him was like "I'll be seeing her from time to time since we're also friends and you know that theoretically something could happen when we drink a few and such..."
_xxx_ said:
I have and he said "Feel free to do anything", but his eyes had that expression, know what I'm talking about?

What I said to him was like "I'll be seeing her from time to time since we're also friends and you know that theoretically something could happen when we drink a few and such..."

Mmmm if he had "that look" then i'd be careful. Cause then u'd feel guilty (i take it u will feel guilty cae you care about this becoming an issue or else u wouldn't have asked for advice here) and then ur friendship might change somewhat. You know how these things are like...
Here's a novel idea... ;)

How about just spelling out the truth to your best friend?

1) You have feelings (at least sexual) for his ex
2) His ex expressed the same toward you
3) Ask him how he feels about it, and about you entering a relationship with her. (Not that you know what kind of relationship may atually come of this...)

Seriously, if it really is a "best friend" kind of a relationship with you ...he'll be honest with you one way or the other, and won't be put off by your asking about it. You take his response and then base your decision on it.

Don't base anything on "looks", "perceived feelings" etc.

In short, you shouldn't be asking should be asking him.

(Of course, you should then REPORT back to us... :D )
I'm surprised that nobody has pointed out that "this thread is worthless without pictures" yet.

You're making a very simple problem very complicated. How much is this friend worth to you looking forward? Be willing to accept that you may lose this friendship and that it may happen violently or just take a natural deteriorating collapse with the action you have in mind as the spark that started it all.

Just weight up what you have to gain and what you have to lose. As far as I can tell you don't have anything wonderful to gain. From the sound of it you just want to stick your penis in this particular woman to have done it. Nothing I read leads me to believe you have any ambitions of growing a relationship. So why her? Why not just hop in the sack with some total stranger? One night of sex, if that is what it is, can never compare to even a year of friendship. The fact that you are willing to risk a lifelong friend for this makes me think you either don't value that friend as much as you make it sound or you value this woman more than you are letting on.

Are you being superficial and only telling us about how sexy she is when really ther is much more to this?

I'm not gonna say "there are 1 million other women to choose from," but there's gotta be at least 20, so why her? But that's just me talking while everyone at Nike is encouraging you to Just Do It!(tm)

PS. And don't forget the pictures. ;)

BTW, I should probably admit that I have slept with ex-partners of friends that I at one point never even considered looking at in that way. I like being loyal and an 'enforcer' of the will of my friends. So, it was with much regret that I had to hop in the sack with these ex-partners, on their request of course. It's back breaking work and it never ceases to amaze me how quick some people can 'turn'. Of course I was a complete bastard on some level, but to think that these couples that I otherwise had protected like my king and queen would dissolve, leaving me in the sack with one of them (no jokes please...) is actually gut wrenching. Too many drinks and a one-eyed friend with a knack for spellunking always helps to ensure that the situation repeats itself...again and again...

Which brings up a side point which I am not sure you have considered. I once cheated on a partner, something I never thought I would do. At first I was upset with myself because I had betrayed my girlfriend, but once the reality sank in it became apparent I had betrayed myself. It was a horrible feeling. I could not just tell someone "don't cry" or "it's not your fault, I'm an asshole and you can walk away from all this completely clean" and be done with it. Why? Because it was true. They were innocent and I was guilty. That may seem obvious and I may have been a self-centered prick for not having thought of that earlier, but it was a terrible revelation to have when you think you should be comforting someone you betrayed, but now you can't because "you are the disease".
RussSchultz said:
If you feel the need to keep it secret, you shouldn't be doing it

No, I just don't want to hurt anyone.

Joe DeFuria said:
Don't base anything on "looks", "perceived feelings" etc.

In short, you shouldn't be asking should be asking him.

(Of course, you should then REPORT back to us... :D )

Being a friend he is, he'll rather say "ok, do it" and suffer. I don't know if I'd like that.

I had no special feeling towards her, _she_ was very clear about what she wants. I'm just horny :devilish:

I just wanted a second opinion, I surely won't base the decision on this thread. Also, there will be no relationship, just a pure sexual intercourse between friends (_if_, that is).

Well, we'll see. Thanks for your opinions people.

And: you can be damn sure I won't give you any details. But I'll tell you how it went. I'll think about it a week or two, though. Maybe they'll find a way to each other again, one never knows. It's not like I don't have enough bunnies ;)
I have no pictures, but she looks like Jennifer Love Hewit's twin. Not exaggerating. That's why I'm even thinking about it, otherwise I'd never do it.

She looks exactly like this:

I'll link this one, since it's a bit bigger:

I hope you can understand my problem a bit better now. I'm just a man, after all.
It's so obvious you want to do this and you are looking for an anonymous pat on the back.

Well, here it is.

*pat* *pat*

Bang away, stranger!

_xxx_ said:
Being a friend he is, he'll rather say "ok, do it" and suffer. I don't know if I'd like that.

If he's really the friend...he will tell you his honest feelings on the matter. If he says he doesn't care, or to do it...then take it at face value. If he "suffers", then it's his own fault for not being honest with you. Not much you can do about, nor should you feel long as you ask him the direct question.
wireframe said:
It's so obvious you want to do this and you are looking for an anonymous pat on the back.

Well, here it is.

*pat* *pat*

Bang away, stranger!


Sure I would love to, but I'm in a conflict with my conscience. It's really not that easy for me.
_xxx_ said:
Sure I would love to, but I'm in a conflict with my conscience. It's really not that easy for me.

So, you haven't done this sort of thing before?

...then how can you know that your conscience is not just setting off false alarms because it fears the unknown?

Worst that can happen is you lose your lifelong friend over terrible sex that would have been much better saved for the imagination. I can think of far worse things to experience. For example, syphilis... :p

This is a terribly interesting dilemma you have. The fact that it is not really a dilemma makes it all the more intriguing. However, this is exactly the sort of thing that should be discussed with a best friend over a bottle of scotch and possibly not here.

Or maybe just do what I would have ended up doing. Have the bottle of scothc with her and wake up in the morning, looking over, and moaning "what have I done?" silently to yourself. See, it's entirely possible to be completely horrified with the person next to you in the hazy morning after without it being a total goat. At least the booze will get you laid (she obviously won't need it as she already wants it, but you could probably use a stiff drink or two so you become bold enough to stop second guessing yourself). Oh, I hope you are of drinking age.