SGI Enters Chapter 11 Bankruptcy Protection

Yeah there's not very much left that the graphics boys would want I think. SGI are a casualty of some bad decisions made 5-10 years ago (eg. selling commodity PCs as expensive "workstations"), and Intel's inability to deliver a performant Itanium2 when it counted.

Who'd buy them? HP or maybe Sun would be the obvious ones I suppose (for the NUMAlink interconnect IP which SGI got from Cray all those years ago).
A sad day, but not hard to see coming. I always wanted an Indigo, but when they tied themselves to the first generation of the Itanium, it was all downhill from there. I guess it's time to start looking on Ebay.
For those who might understand

Nom De Guerre said:
It's the fall of a dinosaur.
Dinosaurs rock, man.

Talking about that, I'm sure that in a brutal and manly battle between a dinosaur and John Carmack, the dino will win hand down. But that's something else, entirely.
Vysez said:
Dinosaurs rock, man.

Talking about that, I'm sure that in a brutal and manly battle between a dinosaur and John Carmack, the dino will win hand down. But that's something else, entirely.

Maybe. But Chuck Norris would have Dino steaks for dinner.
geo said:
Maybe. But Chuck Norris would have Dino steaks for dinner.

Except there will never be a fight between dinaosaurs and Chuck Norris, since that fateful day that he crossed them off his list of creatures he allows to live.
the maddman said:
A sad day, but not hard to see coming. I always wanted an Indigo, but when they tied themselves to the first generation of the Itanium, it was all downhill from there. I guess it's time to start looking on Ebay.
i was very disapointed when i sat down at my friends indigo workstation(35,000$) and couldnt play quake...:oops: i got up and said "root this". Heck after the code work, it sat in the closet for years untill a the merger. Sent it away..loud fans and all.
karlotta said:
i was very disapointed when i sat down at my friends indigo workstation(35,000$) and couldnt play quake...:oops:
Yeah but it was neat playing Quake on a 128-processor supercomputer :cool:

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