Say Hello Nugget!

My cats are the kind that like to curl up by me and say howdy, I cleared off half my desk and put a faux-sheepskin down for them to curl up and sleep next to me on. (And to keep 'em from sleeping on the mousepad side. :rolleyes: )

Cats are more independant than dogs that is true, but when a cat likes you ya know they're really liking you for who ya are rather than just because you're available. ;)

My cats both come when I call 'em. Not because they feel I'm ordering them, but rather because I'm inviting them...subtle but distinct difference that a cat would notice a mile off.
I have two cats, the black one is Tina and the fat one is Meme.



Guden Oden said:
I take it the rolleyes means your cats do whatever the hell they want. :LOL:


I must say they try very hard, but they keep picking up the wrong things from the canines.

The white one wants to hump (or is that a rabbit trait ?), and is desparate to get out of the house. He's neutered though so it's funny to see him try (Poor thing). He also opens almost every cabinet door during night patrol. I think critters in my area are terrified of him coz it probably won't be a simple death if you know what I mean :)

The grey one digs up house plants, ate my wife's roses and other vegetation. She seems to like my laptop though. She tears up my laptop keys, so I have to fit them back every now and then (If I can find them). She also overheat and shutdown my laptop by sleeping right next to the vent. The intake is stuffed with her fur too.

Other than that, they have been great companions. Am glad that I have them.
nutball said:
Awww, teh fluff.


Pets are great. I'd get a cat if i didn't live in an apartment. I doubt i'd feel ok to let it strawl around in the concrete ghetto i'm living in. Neither would the cat i guess. :smile: Are indoor cats "happy"? Maybe i'll get one and let it spend all day lying on the monitor. :cool:
IbaneZ said:
Are indoor cats "happy"?
Mine sure seem to be. They got oodles of great window spots to hang in, and now they got the puppies to play with/torture....they're in heaven!

The puppies are still pissing me off though, they jumped the fence again this morning.... :oops:
IbaneZ said:

Pets are great. I'd get a cat if i didn't live in an apartment. I doubt i'd feel ok to let it strawl around in the concrete ghetto i'm living in. Neither would the cat i guess. :smile: Are indoor cats "happy"? Maybe i'll get one and let it spend all day lying on the monitor. :cool:

yes, indoor cats can be happy. BUT, they require lots of love and play. you will have to be prepared to spend plenty of time wrestling / chasing / being chased / tossing jingl'y or rattl'y toys about. Remember, kittens are FULL of energy. And, when they are a kitten they will ALWAYS have more energy than you can use up... they WILL tear some things up (some worse than others). And, dont forget about the litterbox... if its an inside-only cat you will have to clean the litterbox a LOT. Like every day. I highly recommend and automatic one as it can be entertaining to some cats but also saves you a lot of time. If they are too expensive then get one that has like a mesh in the bottom and sits inside another tub, that way you just lift up the inner one and it does the filtering automatically. Finally, you will have to make sure that your house is cat-proof. This means putting STRONG magnet latches on all of your cabinets with harmful things inside. A cat (especially young one) stuck inside all day long WILL eventually get into everything because cats just HAVE to explore. The cat will find places in your home that you didnt even know existed. And please please please always excersise your cat, even when they get older. If they get TOO fat that can make them unhappy because they arent able to run around and do all of the things they would like to do. One of the best ways to entertain and excersize your cat is to get a fishingpole with a relatively large line diameter and tie a toy stuffed mouse (especially if it jingles!) at the end. You can fish for cats while you watch TV, talk on the phone, etc and the cats LOVE it.
Short answer is yes, especially if they are brought up as indoor cats. They might even be afraid to venture out. But they will be happy staying that way, prefering warm and tall spots in the house.

If you let them play outside for a few days, some may learn to like outdoor (They will wander further and further away from home). At which point, they will scratch the door and bug you to let him/her out.

Mine jumped from the second floor when he's cooked up for too long indoor. But he always comes back after 2 hours or so. The other never wanders more than 10 feet away from the doorstep.
Nice, thanks for all the advice guys. I think i'll check around and see if i can't find a furry little creature to imprison. :LOL:
IbaneZ said:
Nice, thanks for all the advice guys. I think i'll check around and see if i can't find a furry little creature to imprison. :LOL:

cats are great :love:
Hello Nugget!

That's a cute kitty. They get a bit less cute a few weeks later when their claws start getting sharp, but they haven't figured this out yet when playing.

I speak from recent experience. ;)
RussSchultz said:
Canned cat food is particularly vile smelling. Only a few steps up from the litter box.

And worse for the Cat than the hard stuff. So don't use it/buy it.
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Rys said:
Will show the pics to the missus later on in the hopes her "OMG CUTE!" instincts kick in and she relents in my pursuit to get a furball to keep me company while I work from home :D

Be warned, they are not necessarily conducive to a testing environment. If they want attention you will give them attention whether you like it or not, even if it mean them coming up on your desk and sitting in front of/on you key board, while they look expectantly at you!
mito said:

In that they are both felines, yes!

Sage said:
everyone notice dave's sig "Goodbye Noodle" so I'm guessing Nugget is here to fill in for Noodle. :( Goodbye Noodle.

Ohhh, nothing can fill in for Noodle, we just like the idea of having two cats. Nibblett needs some company! (Although they have to be kept apart from each other for the time being)

Having said that, though, I do wonder what they hell we’re going to do when we finally let this one out. Noodle died from being hit by a car speeding outside our house; the only reason Nibblett doesn’t go over the road in the front of our house is because he has already been hit by a car once! Somehow we are going to need to train Nugget not to go that way, but preferably without having to run him over ourselves!

digitalwanderer said:
… brother Chance on left and sister Buttercup on right:

Is that your brother and sister? I’ve often wonder about your posts, but it explains a lot! Man, a typing cat, will wonders never cease?


andypski said:
I speak from recent experience. ;)

Just got your own in? Can they stand the Californian heat?
Having said that, though, I do wonder what they hell we’re going to do when we finally let this one out. Noodle died from being hit by a car speeding outside our house; the only reason Nibblett doesn’t go over the road in the front of our house is because he has already been hit by a car once! Somehow we are going to need to train Nugget not to go that way, but preferably without having to run him over ourselves!

Lemon juice . Brind the cat outside. Whenever she walks onto the street spray her nose with lemon juice. She will stop doing it after a day or so .

Worked on our second cat . First one died getting hit
Hello Nugget! (lots of waving and dangling of mouse-toy-on-string)

Nice to see that Mr Baumann has a new master in his life (or is it a mistress?) and, by the looks of that first picture, it's a total psycho :D. Cute as hell too, I might add (the little devil...)

May you have many a happy day together and don't completely spoil it after having yelled at it for shredding your speakers/sofas/the extremely precious wicker basket/etc. You know they only do that as a starter, fully expecting a lecture...followed by treats! (It's no wonder they were put in charge of this planet).
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Dave Baumann said:
Be warned, they are not necessarily conducive to a testing environment. If they want attention you will give them attention whether you like it or not, even if it mean them coming up on your desk and sitting in front of/on you key board, while they look expectantly at you!

Yea nor are they conductive to a working enviroment. I have been working from home lately and it seems like the cats just love the fact that I am there to pet them when THEY want it. I have noticed this usally happens right as join some net meeting or confrence call. The importance of the call is directly proportianl to the ammount of effection the kitty wants or how much nuzzling they will want to do on the laptop. And they love to lay on the laptop keyboard or itch their chin's on the LCD edge.

The also seem to love attention right when I try to play a game on line. And it never fails that right as I am the last guy left on our team garuding the bomb in CS thats when one of them will jump right in front of the PC screen and look at me waiting for a pet. Sure enough a second latter I hear the AWP sound as I frantically try to look over the kitty to see whats goind on then I hear a "Terriost win" sound :) I think its a conspericy :)

But yea we love our cats. We had 6 of them. Out of those 5 were adandon strays we found in our area, took them in and gave them a good home. They all have their own personalities and blast to live with. Last year was rough as we lost our oldest (13 year old died from cancer and one of our strays that was 8 years old due to heart failure).


On a liter note Beard Dragons are kind of kewl and we just had babies:

andypski said:
That's a cute kitty. They get a bit less cute a few weeks later when their claws start getting sharp

LOL I do remember that. Willy was a baby that we found at a hotel parking lot. He was only 1 month old when we took him in. He was such a plast to play with. He never used the claws to scracth the funature or never scracthed much when we were playing. So thought about letting him keep his claws (all of our cats are indoor cats). Then he used to great me every day when I cam home and crawl up my leg. It was cute. Till one day I took a day off, came back from some errnads and had shorts on. Then it was not soo cuite (but down right pain full) :)
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Dave Baumann said:
Just got your own in? Can they stand the Californian heat?
Already had one - just got a second recently at only 11 weeks old. Great fun, but man those claws are getting sharp!

They seem to be fine with the heat - fortunately our house has a lot of shade, so it doesn't get too oppressive.