"The world's leading semiconductor maker said it had developed the industry's first 60-nanometer 8-gigabit NAND Flash memory chip used for data storage."
"A second breakthrough concerns its development of the world's first 2Gb DDR2 SDRAM by using existing, 80-nanometer micro-processing technology."
"The company also said it had developed the world's fastest, 667-megaHertz central processing unit (CPU) chip for mobiles which are suitable for three-dimensional graphics. "
"The world's leading semiconductor maker said it had developed the industry's first 60-nanometer 8-gigabit NAND Flash memory chip used for data storage."
"A second breakthrough concerns its development of the world's first 2Gb DDR2 SDRAM by using existing, 80-nanometer micro-processing technology."
"The company also said it had developed the world's fastest, 667-megaHertz central processing unit (CPU) chip for mobiles which are suitable for three-dimensional graphics. "