Saints Row 2

Saints Row 1 wasn't that bad as far as these sandbox games work. It was released early, had good graphics, good physics, bad framerate thought, and a terrible story (also kind of annoying that your character never spoke). Mobile phones where used pretty much exactly like GTA4 incorperated them (i wonder why the GTA mobile phone was so much more hyped, its basically the same thing).

This could very well be a fun game.
Saints Row 1 wasn't that bad as far as these sandbox games work. It was released early, had good graphics, good physics, bad framerate thought, and a terrible story (also kind of annoying that your character never spoke). Mobile phones where used pretty much exactly like GTA4 incorperated them (i wonder why the GTA mobile phone was so much more hyped, its basically the same thing).

This could very well be a fun game.

indeed.. fixed link which led to page 2 of the walk thru but on page 1 there was this.... :cool:....

The first Saints Row greeted players ready to embark on their journey into gang life with one of the more elaborate character creation systems seen at the time. Saints Row 2 takes that system and beefs it up considerably, giving you the option to customize a truly ridiculous number of attributes. Using sliders adjusting everything from your overbite to your septum width, you can craft an avatar of either gender that looks anywhere between "perfectly normal" and "abomination of nature." Once your base physical attributes are set, you can set the mood of your face with a number of fixed facial expressions to make yourself look confused, joyous, or just plain evil. From there, you have three voice options for each gender (including a wonderfully out-of-place English accent for the gents) and the ability to choose your taunts and walking style. ..

Also competing for your attention is the ability to put your own personal touch on what you wear, what you drive, and where you live. Clothing can be customized to the same ridiculous degree as your initial character designs. You can adjust the pattern, colors, and fit on nearly every last piece of clothing, while layering several different articles on top of one another. One stripe or three on those socks? Did you want that track jacket zipped or unzipped? Hat backward or at a 5/8 turn? You get the idea.
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The reviews are coming in and the co-op sounds like fun. Hopefully it's more fun than GTA4.

IGN - 8.2/10
IGN AU - 8.0/10
Total Video Games - 9/10
Gameshark - A- (91/100)
PALGN - 8.5/10
Just got this as part of PS+ goodies and I must say:


This is the ghame which has finally managed to peel me away from BF3 and got me so hooked that it is the first thing I want to do in themmorning and the last before going to bed. heck, I don't want to go to bed, its so much fun !

This is open world gaming : simple and fun ! I mean, why doesn't GTA do this? This game is a true "Game" ! Every activity that you'd want to do in an open world has been made into a game and is scored and progresses you forward.

What is the first thing you do when u are dropped into GTA? YOu drive all over the place, don't you? GTA ignores that fact completely but SR2 embraces and it starts awrding you points and stars on how dangerously you drive :cool: !

What is the second thign you want o do? Blow everything up, of course! GTA ignores that completely and SR2 embraces it fully. Right after your first mission , you can play "Mayhem" which asks you to cause as much carnage as possible in a limited time and gives you unlimited ammo ! Simple and FUN !!!!!

I think this game is a true gem ! All the GTAs, Just Causes, RDRs need to get up and learn why they make their "Sandboxes" in the first place: so that we can run around and have fun ! Learn R* and learn quickly or GTA5 might just not be good enough.

GYA4 looks so bland and boring after playing SR2. If only SR2 had trophies....but its so much fun, I don't care. I am gonna play some Zombie Uprising and Mayhem right fucking now ! :devilish:
Yeah, it really is a fun game. I still need to finish it, haven't loaded it up since I lost all my saves. If you can find anyone to play co-op with, it's even more fun.
I can't get into it myself. Problem is simple: I played Saints Row The Third on PC not that long ago, and it's pretty much the same game, except way better in just about every single aspect. Looks much better, controls much better, has way better animations, far better writing, and everything that used to be kinda fun in SR2 is a complete riot in SR3.
I think this game is a true gem ! All the GTAs, Just Causes, RDRs need to get up and learn why they make their "Sandboxes" in the first place: so that we can run around and have fun ! Learn R* and learn quickly or GTA5 might just not be good enough.
Well Just Cause was never a serious game.
A game that lets your character stand on top of a jet plane that he's flying and give him unlimited number of parachutes is about as over the top as it gets.
Just got this as part of PS+ goodies and I must say:


Yup been saying that for a while, the Saints Row games are a riot to play! Sigfried1977 is right though, I'm also playing Saints Row 3 on pc right now and it's much better than SR2 in every way, totally awesome game. I got it dirt cheap on steam, just check steam for a sale and snag it there. As great as SR2 is, SR3 really is better in every way, visually, gameplay, the works, it's just absurdly fun.
But there are some people in the other camp too who say SR2 was a better game than SR3!
I'll get SR3 for sure someday, its dirt cheap in india, costs just $8 for the PC version, but I think i will enjoy SR2 first and wait for the ps3 version toget cheaper as I know I'll be spending some time in SR3 , going by how much fun it is, so might as well grab some trophies from it.
Steam achievements, somehow, just don't have any charm like trophies. They just feel like "a bar that needs to be filled " whereas its so much fun when a trophy suddenly pops up on your screen when you were anyways having fun with the game :) !
I actually think that SR2 had a much better story and characters than SR3. I felt SR3's was a mess. The gameplay was great though, and pretty much everything else about it.

Had SR3 had a more coherent story then I would have said its better than SR2 in every way. Also, quite a few of the challenges were annoying in 3. There were too many of the crappy frustrating ones (pimping etc), and not enough of the amazing ones (insurance fraud). SR2's challenge balance was much much better.
I loved SR3's story. It was a mess, but a glorious and deliberate one. I haven't played far enough through SR2 to come to any sort of conclusion on the matter, though. I think it's just damn hard to play after the slick and polished third game. (the fact that I played the third game on a PC isn't helping the shoddy PS3 version of SR2 either of course, and neither does being the censored German version of the game)
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I loved SR3's story. It was a mess, but a glorious and deliberate one. I haven't played far enough through SR2 to come to any sort of conclusion on the matter, though. I think it's just damn hard to play after the slick and polished third game. (the fact that I played the third game on a PC isn't helping the shoddy PS3 version of SR2 either of course, and neither does being the censored German version of the game)

Yeah, I think if you've already played SR3 there's very little point going back to SR2.

I tried replaying it before SR3 came out, after i'd played GTAIV, and i could stomach it. The worst bit being the graphics and utterly horrible vehicle controls.

All open world games with cars should have weight and physics like in GTAIV. Turning on a dime feels and looks absolutely awful! Screw accessibility.
OTOH, I hate the vehicle controls of GTA4. When 90% of ur game is about driving from point A to B( booooring) , then why make it so difficult ? Especially when driving well isn't really rewarded in any way, from what i played.
I loved GTA most favorite game of this generation.

Saint's Row 2 was had it's own charm, and carried some things that would make GTA 4 even more fun, such as single player co op....

But GTA 4 was far superior to far.