Fine art is subjective, yes, open to personal interpretation and such. But applied artwork in a video game, please don't elevate it above its limits. The quality of the content can be compared, and there are aspects where BF4 comes out second, compared to Ryse - particularly the lead characters. It's also somewhat related to the technology, Crytek has clearly invested a lot in a robust character pipeline and lots of real-life data acquisition like scanning and performance capture.
BF is however very good in modern artificial lighting, destruction effects, scale and and some other stuff, but those tend to be a bit less noticeable. And Ryse also benefits from the more pleasing environments in general, and avoiding the visual tropes of modern day war / action movies which usually involve a lot of dirt and grime and shaky cam and lens effects. There are some nice warm hues in most of the scenery, soft lighting and so on.