Russia develops nuclear system to evade defence


B3D Yoddha

It is claimed the warhead can detach from the main missile during the final stages of its descent, and then continue to fly like a cruise missile, evading any missile defence shield.
But... if US managed to destroy the missile during the first stage, as the ABL project is supposed to do, such system would do no good, right?
By the way, the ABL laser was tested on the ground a few days ago.
I'm not a weapons designer, but what they described seems like a lot of work for questionable gain.

There are already maneuverable warheads, but what this news story is describing sounds like taking a bullet going at Mach 20, telling it to hit the brakes in plain view of the enemy, wander around at speeds within the envelope of more conventional defenses, and then get around to hitting the target.

Cruise missiles tend to work best when their arrival is not announced by flying up on a column of fire into the upper reaches of the atmosphere and then dawdling in plain view of every radar site on that side of the globe.

It sounds like a kludge that tries to combine the range and short time to impact of an ICBM with the ability to sneak into enemy territory offered by a cruise missile. Only ICBMs don't sneak, and cruise missiles can't run.

I think they'd be better off just putting decoys on the ICBMs or just not phoning ahead like the current ABM defense requires.
u fire ICBM to Pacific,Mexico or Canada, where US has no shield (lets say), then russian missile brreaks up, releases cruise missile (that flies low, under the radar) and Booooom......u got to the US mainland.

as i see it, this is just another cruise missile delivery system....pretty imaginative if i may add.....
offcourse it all depends on range this manouverable warhead has after detachment....
ABM defenses will be easily overwhelmed for the first generations of their deployment. A huge waste of money if you ask me not that Im saying you should stop r&d.

Bah pretty soon it'll all be anti matter weapons of one sort or another... no defenses of worth for them that I can see...
pcchen said:
But... if US managed to destroy the missile during the first stage, as the ABL project is supposed to do, such system would do no good, right?
By the way, the ABL laser was tested on the ground a few days ago.

The ABL stands for AirBorne Laser, which means just that... airborne.

Try flying that 747 that it´s mounted on over mainland Russia and tell me how it went. ;)
Ok..... so let me get this straight.... Bush is doing the whole missile shielding thing. And now Russia just invented something to... basically... break that system...?

I would start getting worried if i were American.............
Putin loves mother russia a bit much, but right now he needs the rest of the world and is activley using some parts of it to his advantage.
london-boy said:
Ok..... so let me get this straight.... Bush is doing the whole missile shielding thing. And now Russia just invented something to... basically... break that system...?

I would start getting worried if i were American.............

Hardly more worrisome than usual. Russia didn't need to do anything to break this current system, it does a fine job by itself.
london-boy said:
Ok..... so let me get this straight.... Bush is doing the whole missile shielding thing. And now Russia just invented something to... basically... break that system...?

I would start getting worried if i were American.............

Well I wouldn´t, really. The ABM systems developed now aren´t able to defeat an all-out ICBM strike anyway(if any at all), just maybe a handful of missiles from a so called ´rouge state´...which is why it´s so silly in the first place.

The russians are annoyed because the neocons ripped up and pissed all over the ABM treaty of 1972 and the U.S. development of new nukes(bunker buster nukes and the like). LOL, the bunker busters... I just watched a Meet the Press clip from 2002 where Rummie showed an artist´s rendition a Blofeld-style underground complex in Tora-Bora where Bin Laden supposedly where hiding. If they only had them fancy nukes...ROTFL! :D
I wasn't talking on a technical level. Whether it works or not, or whether the US defense system works or not....

All i was saying is that Russia is actively researching, is interested in breaking into missile defence systems, such as the American one........

Just making sure they don't get to be "freed" by the US because they have wrong haircuts, or build crappy cars, or whatever... ;)

Balancing power a bit. And proving they're still a big player in the business.

Shouldn't really think twice about the whole thing, it's a marketing blah just like those US defense systems.
Yeah, that was my point also... It´s just talk, even if they make it. It´s all inconseqential since the missile defence weren´t supposed to be working against them anyway. They´re pissed being snubbed and all and want to get a leg up.
World War III is looming ever much closer thanks to George Bush, the GOP and the GOP controlled CIA that influenced the terrorist attack in Chechnia.

The GOP believes in making weapons and those weapons will eventually get used, now I am not saying that they should not build weapons but they should not be making enemies to use as an excuse to make those weapons and then try to make those enemies seem evil when in fact they made those enemies angry at them.
I found it interesting that a comment made by an official in the US stated that nuclear weapons are going to be used against terrorists.
K.I.L.E.R said:
I found it interesting that a comment made by an official in the US stated that nuclear weapons are going to be used against terrorists.

Only those weapons are going to be used against us because all these "officials" are interested is in making war so they can take over countries that have natural resources.

If one country is trying to control the world's biggest oil supply using a tragedy as an excuse you can bet your sweet ass another country will not stand for that and will want to take control of that oil supply.
I hope you're not implying Russia is going to challenege the US over future "oil projects" like Iraq?

Akumajou said:
K.I.L.E.R said:
I found it interesting that a comment made by an official in the US stated that nuclear weapons are going to be used against terrorists.

Only those weapons are going to be used against us because all these "officials" are interested is in making war so they can take over countries that have natural resources.

If one country is trying to control the world's biggest oil supply using a tragedy as an excuse you can bet your sweet ass another country will not stand for that and will want to take control of that oil supply.
K.I.L.E.R said:
I hope you're not implying Russia is going to challenege the US over future "oil projects" like Iraq?

I'm implying that the GOP is carrying out an agenda for control of something while sticking the middle finger to anyone who disagrees and at the same time loading a gun full of nuclear rounds.

The Communist doctrine says that all democratic nations will eventually cause wars by trying to take over another country, I believe I saw that in public access tv in the US.

The Communist China of the 1950s believed that the US was a "Paper tiger" that would eventually be either destroyed or cause its own destruction.

Obviously Russia is no longer "Communist" for like over 14 years or so and China still is, but guess what.

The US is being carried in a direction by a President that many suspect commited fraud in 2000 and was placed into office by Supreme Judges that were appointed by Republicans, including his dad.

The 2004 election is very questionable in the eyes of many and redistricting laws have been changing and been changed ever since GWB became Governor of Texas to benefit the Republican vote.

On top of that it does not help that the Terrorists or "separatists" groups that caused the tragic event in Russia were alleged to being helped by the CIA and that the CIA considered them to be Freedom Fighters prior to the tragic event.

Listen or read carefully what Putin said to the US about the tragic event that will also give you clues.

But over all my point is you do not become the "Peace-maker" (as GWB likes to call himself) by building bunker busting nuclear war heads and a nuclear missile defense system while other major nations don't seem to be building nukes to attack you.

The other problem is that the US's "missile defense system" is really nothing but a lie because hitting a nuclear missile in the air is alot like me firing a gun at you and you are trying to shoot down the bullet. it gets worse when back in the 60s or 70s the standard nuclear missile design contains multiple warheads so it gets worse because it become like me firing a shot gun at you and you trying to shoot down each pelet down.