Running was a key human characteristic



The ability to run long distances across the African savannah gave human ancestors an evolutionary advantage over other primates that walked upright, but could not run the mile or 20, researchers argue in a new study.
“We think running is one of the most transforming events in human history. We are arguing that the emergence of humans is tied to the evolution of running,â€￾ said University of Utah biologist Dennis Bramble, co-author with Harvard University anthropologist Daniel Lieberman of the report published Thursday in the journal Nature.

But Lieberman and Bramble spell out the evolution of traits such as a small ridge at the base of the human skull that helps keep the head steady, shoulders decoupled from our heads, a network of springy tendons along the backs of our legs, taller bodies along with shorter forearms, that all contribute to an ability to run well for a long time, at least compared to apes and monkeys and even to other carnivores and prey.
“These esoteric anatomical features make humans surprisingly good runners. Over long distances, we can outrun our dogs and give many horses a good race,â€￾ Lieberman said.

Whats all this about? I can hardly run a mile, lies!
Druga Runda said:
well the ability to sit long times in front of the monitor is a key modern human charachteristic


Eating doughnuts while sitting down either on the sofa or at work, pretending to do some work, is THE key modern human characteristic.
VtC said:
I especially liked the part about us being able to out-sweat any other animal in the world. :)
There was an excellent documentary on this (and being able to run other animals to exhaustion)on "the Beeb" about a year or two ago.

I suspect it was probably presented by (Lord) Professor Robert Winston but I might be mistaken.
london-boy said:
Druga Runda said:
well the ability to sit long times in front of the monitor is a key modern human charachteristic


Eating doughnuts while sitting down either on the sofa or at work, pretending to do some work, is THE key modern human characteristic.

I need doughnuts :(
digitalwanderer said:
Druga Runda said:
well the ability to sit long times in front of the monitor is a key modern human charachteristic

yes the first step in the new brave world of joint human/machine evolution.

The first step it to use them
Next step is to
Sit in front of them all the time

Than come all the enhancements that a machine can give by being implanted into humans...

when you put it all together the machine and man become one and than you become JC Denton.

* btw what happened to him in Deus Ex II, as I never bothered to actually go trough the game.