Rumor - Wii2 specs leaked / Blu-Ray enabled / 1080p support / Q3 2010

Well the more interesting part of this news is the timing (if true obviously). This is a bad bad news for Sony imho. They are likely to suffer a lot more than Ms from this launch: they have a lot to lose in Japan, they can't price their system as low as Ms will to somehow resist the storm till their respective next-gen systems are out.

The timing is what I find hard to believe. I can believe there are dev kits out, they are usually out about two years ahead of launch to some selected developers, but 2010 sounds early. The Wii is still selling extremely well compared to competetion and a new console is often introduced about two years or later after the previous one has peaked.

Would a 2010 launch be bad for Sony and MS? I think that very much depends on the price and game line-up. I think a 2011 launch may be just as bad if that gives Nintendo time to get some really compelling games ready for launch and good third party support as well.

Whatever hardware (handheld etc.) Nintendo have cooking at the moment, I hope we will get to know more from GDC.
Well the more interesting part of this news is the timing (if true obviously). This is a bad bad news for Sony imho. They are likely to suffer a lot more than Ms from this launch: they have a lot to lose in Japan, they can't price their system as low as Ms will to somehow resist the storm till their respective next-gen systems are out.

That assumes that the nextWii will steal the scant third-party support for consoles that exists in Japan. We also have no idea what sort of device this is -- Nintendo's not going to release a loss-leader.
I don't see a particular problem from Wii HD due to the software. Wii HD won't offer the games of PS360 that I and the current glut of HD gamers like, so instead Nintendo will be looking to Wii upgraders. It may take some sparkle from PS3 and reduce any partial interest in PS3 for it's new motion lineup, but overall I think the appeal of PS3 will be extended with motion, whereas Wii HD will appeal only to HDTV owning Wii owners. Likewise Natal should be courting a new interest in motion if it has the compelling library.
Whatever hardware (handheld etc.) Nintendo have cooking at the moment, I hope we will get to know more from GDC.

Part of the rumor was that even though there was talk of devkits out there, Nintendo would not be showing anything at E3. So I don't think GDC is likely.
I have a big question: With all of the rumors going around that Nintendo has paried off with nVidia Tegra for the DS2, would ATI still be involved in the creation of their next console? Just how do these agreements work?
I have a big question: With all of the rumors going around that Nintendo has paried off with nVidia Tegra for the DS2, would ATI still be involved in the creation of their next console? Just how do these agreements work?

ATI seems realistic to me personally, given their history together and particularly if we are talking about a more "off the shelf" solution for the gpu. If the gpu is going to be anything recent (last year or so) then ATI has repeatedly had the more affordable technology as far as production is concerned.
I highly doubt Nintendo would launch a console without at least a year long shitstorm of hype preceding it. It's not like them.
I have a big question: With all of the rumors going around that Nintendo has paried off with nVidia Tegra for the DS2, would ATI still be involved in the creation of their next console? Just how do these agreements work?
Microsoft is using ATi graphics for their console and Tegra 2 in their portable (Zune HD). NV could negotiate for more contracts, but they can't force exclusivity.
Microsoft is using ATi graphics for their console and Tegra 2 in their portable (Zune HD). NV could negotiate for more contracts, but they can't force exclusivity.

And dropped Tegra for the WPOS 7 framework... Instead going with an integrated system by Qualcomm, although I fully expect other solutions to be qualified for use by the time it launches.

So, yeah, basically having an IHV in one of your products doesn't preclude having another IHV's products in another line. Apple, for example, which has a mix of ATI and Nvidia GPU's in their products.

I just realize that this rumour( and thread by the way) is indeed old, I did not noticed while answering... :LOL: