If the main protagonist is female, a Griselda Blanco esque type story would be interesting.
I hope they go somewhere different for a change. And I also hope they didn't put a female protagonist there to cater to the progressive social justice agenda. If anything, gta being gta, it should just double down on its cinicism and cultural comentary and mock the shit out of sjws and their inconcistencies in this game.
in any case I would welcome a female protagonist because it's something new on their recent games (also the gender don't really define political views and so on.
in any case I would welcome a female protagonist because it's something new on their recent games (also the gender don't really define political views and so on), also I prefer a single character over what they had in GTA5.
I'm fine with GTA having a female protagonist if it is for a good reason, and it fits the narrative. I just hope it isn't done to apease to this vocal minority of activists claiming to know exactly how culture should be and operate and are willing to shame and whine the way into engineering it into their naive utopian ideals.
If I were Rockstar I would double down on all the perceived "misoginy" just to make it a fucking point that not all fucking games/movies/shows have to twist and turn their narratives to help state a specific narrative that happens to be fashionable at the moment..
I hope they go somewhere different for a change. And I also hope they didn't put a female protagonist there to cater to the progressive social justice agenda. If anything, gta being gta, it should just double down on its cinicism and cultural comentary and mock the shit out of sjws and their inconcistencies in this game.
Would it be realistic to have a female being a drug dealer, killer, robber, and gun seller ? Well it's a videogame after all, we can create whatever alternative reality we want.I hope they don't do away with the multiple protagonists approach. A female version of Trevor would be hilarious.
They are parodies of reality, and the reality of girl gangbangers beating the everloving crap out of people on the streets simply doesn't exist on this planet.
As for the setting: I wouldn't mind a Floridian setting myself. Think about it: you could add swamps, amusement parks and space centers to a miniature version of Florida. Maybe I'm biased because I went to Flordia last November, but I'd love the hell out of that.