RSX Related: Inquirer releases Pics of 7800 and Final Specs

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BlueTsunami said:
ralexand said:
The demos that were running at E3 were apparently mainly running on SLI machines, as well as G70 parts. Marv talked about how these demos were run on an upcoming product with many similar capabilities as the RSX chip. So, while the RSX will have more features that are aimed at the PS3, we can expect this next generation of cards to nearly match the overall performance and feature-set of the RSX.
This is also interesting. The question still remains what "special features" will the RSX have over the g70 since they are making it sound like the same card higher clocked.

I just hope that the RSX isn't some Ultra verson of the g70 :?

I hope to have atleast some unique features to the RSX, but I'll be happy with a great GPU that can hold its own.
You and me both. If it is an ultra version of the g70 then at least developers are working with close to final specs currently with the dev kits that are out now which will mean better looking launch titles.
ERP said:
pc999 said:
I think that anouther important bit is if any of the consoles use virtual memory, it would reduce the need for BW.

Xenus looks to have some nice tricks in memory (as DeanoC hinted somehere, and MemoExport), but I dont know if it really have VM, on the another hand GameCube already have VM.

IMO, I dont see any reanson for the ATI parts to not have (even GC have) this, but in PS3/NV I doubt that theres is VM.

OK you've stumped me exactly what do you percieve is the advantage of virtual memory in this context?

I was using this as reference

For what I read it can reduce the need for high BW, by (sorry the language) transfering only the data that is needed, or in spliting it in a way that it dont overload the BW, or I am totaly wrong :?:
pc999 said:
ERP said:
pc999 said:
I think that anouther important bit is if any of the consoles use virtual memory, it would reduce the need for BW.

Xenus looks to have some nice tricks in memory (as DeanoC hinted somehere, and MemoExport), but I dont know if it really have VM, on the another hand GameCube already have VM.

IMO, I dont see any reanson for the ATI parts to not have (even GC have) this, but in PS3/NV I doubt that theres is VM.

OK you've stumped me exactly what do you percieve is the advantage of virtual memory in this context?

I was using this as reference

For what I read it can reduce the need for high BW, by (sorry the language) transfering only the data that is needed, or in spliting it in a way that it dont overload the BW, or I am totaly wrong :?:

On a PC where textures are stored in system memory sure it can save AGP/PCI bandwidth.

But in a UMA architecture, there is no benefit like that.
ERP said:
pc999 said:
ERP said:
pc999 said:
I think that anouther important bit is if any of the consoles use virtual memory, it would reduce the need for BW.

Xenus looks to have some nice tricks in memory (as DeanoC hinted somehere, and MemoExport), but I dont know if it really have VM, on the another hand GameCube already have VM.

IMO, I dont see any reanson for the ATI parts to not have (even GC have) this, but in PS3/NV I doubt that theres is VM.

OK you've stumped me exactly what do you percieve is the advantage of virtual memory in this context?

I was using this as reference

For what I read it can reduce the need for high BW, by (sorry the language) transfering only the data that is needed, or in spliting it in a way that it dont overload the BW, or I am totaly wrong :?:

On a PC where textures are stored in system memory sure it can save AGP/PCI bandwidth.

But in a UMA architecture, there is no benefit like that.
I'm not so sure, maybe this technique can be used for extending the memory space to the dvd space and subsequently speed up loading of textures from the dvd, but I can't tell if this is a software solution or a hardware solution.
ralexand said:
ERP said:
pc999 said:
ERP said:
pc999 said:
I think that anouther important bit is if any of the consoles use virtual memory, it would reduce the need for BW.

Xenus looks to have some nice tricks in memory (as DeanoC hinted somehere, and MemoExport), but I dont know if it really have VM, on the another hand GameCube already have VM.

IMO, I dont see any reanson for the ATI parts to not have (even GC have) this, but in PS3/NV I doubt that theres is VM.

OK you've stumped me exactly what do you percieve is the advantage of virtual memory in this context?

I was using this as reference

For what I read it can reduce the need for high BW, by (sorry the language) transfering only the data that is needed, or in spliting it in a way that it dont overload the BW, or I am totaly wrong :?:

On a PC where textures are stored in system memory sure it can save AGP/PCI bandwidth.

But in a UMA architecture, there is no benefit like that.
I'm not so sure, maybe this technique can be used for extending the memory space to the dvd space and subsequently speed up loading of textures from the dvd, but I can't tell if this is a software solution or a hardware solution.

I think anyone who expects the RSX to be anything more than an off the shelf graphics card, will surely be disappointed.
ecliptic said:
I think anyone who expects the RSX to be anything more than an off the shelf graphics card, will surely be disappointed.

Who cares what it is as long as it works?

At this point it's fairly clear that it is pretty similar to G70, however it still has a clock advantage of over 100mhz -- So calling it an off the shelf product is a tad ignorant.

Forgive me, but I don't really understand the sentiment of 'bashing' a product for being based off a product we can actually buy for nearly 2x the cost of the entire console (yea, I'm real disappointed by that). (maybe that isn't your intention, but it has been other peoples')

That is just as backwards as bashing Xenos because we can't buy it -- "How do we know its any good?" "We can't buy it and test it!?"

It's absurd and pointless either way.

I can think of a few reasons why either could be more powerful, but listing them isn't going to help anything. There are strengths of both archetectures (outside of the die and in).
If the RSX is just a G70 with a speed bump then it's essentially OTS. Whether this is good or bad thing vs Xenos we'll find out fairly soon.
Bobbler said:
ecliptic said:
I think anyone who expects the RSX to be anything more than an off the shelf graphics card, will surely be disappointed.

Who cares what it is as long as it works?

At this point it's fairly clear that it is pretty similar to G70, however it still has a clock advantage of over 100mhz -- So calling it an off the shelf product is a tad ignorant.

By the time the PS3 hits the market, the G70 Ultra will be out, and then you have the off the shelf videocard.

Bobbler said:
Forgive me, but I don't really understand the sentiment of 'bashing' a product for being based off a product we can actually buy for nearly 2x the cost of the entire console (yea, I'm real disappointed by that). (maybe that isn't your intention, but it has been other peoples')

How is pointing out the reality of the situation "bashing"? Last I checked I never made any comments what-so-ever on the performance of the RSX. Just that its nothing more than an off the shelf videocard and anyone who believes otherwise will be disappointed. Did I ever say that people will be disappointed in the G70? No, just that they are over hyping the "custom" part of the GPU. You are seeing phantoms in my posts.
Current rumours say RSX is a higher clocked RSX + FlexIO interface + 128 bit HDR.
FlexIO interface lets RSX and CELL work together and 128 bit HDR is needed in order to exchange HDR data between RSX and CELL since SPEs, IMHO, can't work on 64 bit HDR data (lack of data conversion inctructions from 16bit fp to 32bit fp numbers and viceversa).
So 128 bit HDR rendering would be used only when RSX has to send data to CELL.
I think you should agree that RSX is as off the shelf for PS3 as the Nvidia GPU for Xbox 1 was with Geforce 3
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