Shifty Geezer said:
That's not an accurate assessment. The actual discussion said a fair bit on the improved quality over FP16 framebuffers in most situations, the fact that this method can be used on all and any SM3.0 (SM2.0 even, probably) achitectures with the same benefit of considerable BW savings, not just RSX, and that it was a better solution than truncated FP formats like Xenos's FP10.
Deano was definately going on a limb in suggesting that.
NAO32 does not support the most widely used alpha blending modes. That is a serious drawback, and if you don't believe me, look at how HDR is always specially coded for ATI hardware on the PC, if at all. It has absolutely NOTHING to do with SM3.0, and everything to do with FP blending.
If you don't have hardware blending, you really only have two choices. Either don't do blending in the HDR buffer and save it all for the final LDR image that you send to the display (in which case you will miss some HDR effects), or you do what is called "ping-ponging" to emulate blending. This copies a portion of the main framebuffer into a temporary texture, and then reads from this texture when rendering back into the main framebuffer.
You have to repeat this for every potentially overlapping transparent object you draw. Something like FarCry's
dense vegetation is near impossible (hence no ATI HDR patch). Layered smoke becomes too expensive as well. I recall reading presentations from ATI and NVidia that say rendertarget changes are expensive, so keep them in single digits. Ping-ponging, then, is not exactly ideal for rendering 1000 small transparent sprites. Fire, smoke, dust, rain, grass/bushes, muzzle flash, explosions, windows/glass, etc. all become hard to draw without alpha blending. Sometimes the ping-pong requirements can be reduced by reformulating the effect, sometimes not.
If the alpha channel is used to indicate brightness (which is how HL2 works, I think, since it doesn't use a FP16 framebuffer), it is much more of a canned effect, and you're not
really rendering anything at a higher dynamic range. Moreover, some effects of HDR are usually missing, like a bright object through a window or dust cloud.
Heavenly Sword probably may not have very big blending requirements, which is why the custom format works for NT. However, NAO32 is not a perfect solution by any means, and has heavy tradeoffs. We discussed this at length in a thread about RSX's bandwidth. (Aside: I wish nAo addressed my last
post there, but I understand he's quite busy.)