Router advice.


Passenger on Serenity
what router manufacturer do you recommend? What router for under 100 do you think gets you the most for the buck.

thanks in advance,
Yes, wired or wireless....?!

I love my Linksys but the Dlink offers some nice feature that I can use, ie: ip blocking. If you do go wireless, do yourself a favor and read the manuals for the wireless router and card to make sure they are secure!! At the very least use WEP. Also, if your router has a white list for MACs that can have access, use it!!!
I plan on mainly doing wired. I might get a latptop later this year so having wireless capabilities is a plus.

I have a DLink DI604, and I'm very pleased with it. :) It routs, it has DHCP, firewall, webbed interface etc... It's certainly good enough for me.
I can recommend the Linksys WRT54G (preferably V2). If performs well, is reasonably cheap and is very hackable (with a multitude of alternative firmwares available). It also has wireless.
In fact I am currently using it only as an access point, as I've now got a VPN router.
never ever ever ever ever ever again will i ever buy linksys product again.