I'm guessing you can't share the audio tracks with an MP3 player, so you'd have to buy the same music twice for listening and gaming?
Man, do these developers ever take a vacation or is their development team enormous
It just boggles my mind - the amount of work needed to be done to produce a single track, let alone at least three per week.
At this point, it has proven to be a clear driver for continued DLC sales. More new content, more continued purchasing. Keep people wanting more each week, as compared to sporadic releases a'la SingStar/GH and you potentially keep a sustained interest in the game?
Either way, I'm all for it. Especially with the new in-game store where you can sample all tracks, and get their difficulty break outs on each instrument prior to purchasing.
How big are the music files?
The 1.04 Rock Band update is a PS3 only update that allows us to work around a size limitation for categories in the in-game commerce library.