Do you have an entirely brand new zune to compare with? ...No, I didn't think so either.

The problem with comparing something that wears is just that you have no reference point anymore since the device has aged.
Actually , I had 2 zune hds , one was a 16 gig and one was a 32 gig. The 16 gig was never used. Got it cheap at $50 from some store going out of business , circuit city or something I think.
My 32 gig was starting to die (battery ) so I switched out the parts, sadly in the last great snow storm it fell into the snow and now doesn't work. Both screens were almost identical in looks .
Also, seriously - how much runtime has your zune display actually experienced? A computer display could potentially see thousands of hours of use per year depending on how nutso the user is. After 15k hours, I think an OLED would be pretty damn worn and stretched.
I used it a lot in my car for pod casts and stuff. I couldn't say how much but over the last 5 or so years it had to be a lot . Sure a rift would most likely get more use , but they have also been improving the color issues on amoled screens in the last half a decade also.
Considering there's no anywhere near reasonably priced GPU solution to drive 4k at fluid framerates today (unless your desire is to play only Team Fortress 2 for example), I don't think we'll see 8k in 4-5 years' time. Not to mention that there's likely zero chance the initial version of rift will actually feature 4k rez. I've seen speculation that it might end up as WQHD (2560*1440)...although with the kind of optics used in the rift there won't be anywhere near that many pixels being projected onto peoples' eyes of course, unfortunately.
We already have the r290x doing 4k . Sure its not 90 fps but its doing it
I would love for them to forget crossfire or sli and come up with a way to have 2 gpus each render one different eye for the rift
Sorry, I don't quite follow.
I'm saying on the ps4 your going to get Morpheus and that's it. There wont be a second version with a higher res screen for the ps4. So on sony's side it will be harder for a consumer to swallow if in 3 years the unit stops working as well. What will sony sell them ? Just the Morpheus
On the pc side by the time a rift screen goes bad (outside of defective units) there will already be a rift 3 or 4 out with better / higher res screens / higher frame rate or full body tracking and so on.
So if you have a CV1 rift in 2015 and in 2019 it dies , you can go out and buy the CV 4 and be happy as you get a bunch of upgrades.
Blah, I really hope that doesn't hold true for the final version. HDMI connectors don't belong on computer displays. Also hoping there won't be a set of cables running over the top of your head in the final version. That looks extremely untidy and amateurish IMO...although they're still just at the prototype stage of course so I'll cut them some slack for now.
If its a wire I don't mind , to many and it get annoying I think the problem is a battery pack. If i'm sitting where would I put it ? also i'd still have a wire going to do it even if I don't have one going to the pc itself.
Also, I wonder what wearing a couple hundred grams of 3D goggles on top of your face might do to your neck in the long run, especially to women and young people/kids. Fully grown men can maybe handle it fine, while others might experience strain. Perhaps a counterweight at the rear of your head would be beneficial?
good question , the tested guys asked the same thing on the video look at the new one.
I dunno , they keep trying to get the weight down. I'm assuming since your not staying in a fixed postion the whole time and are actually moving your head that your neck muscles will build up over time .